Page 19 of Wishful Dreaming

“If that’s their idea of coffee, we should shoot them. No pun intended, I’m sorry Sal, but this, how do you say it, sucks?” Sal chuckled and Horst glanced back at the double doors. Misery lined his face and Belle touched his arm.

“Shewill make it Horst, although she may not fly abroad right away, shealso won’t be able to work for a while. Maybe you can whisk her away overseas and get herbetter medical care. You can be nursemaid while she heals,I’m sure she’d love that. That girl needs someone to take care of her. She’s a sweetheart and has spent her life taking care of others, high-time she got someattentionfor herself. I know she was going to be heading over next week with Philippe, so maybe she can fly on a private charter if they won’t allow her to go commercial? Just saying…” Belle closed her mouth as she watched Horst’s face light up with a bright grin. He grabbed Belle and planted a kiss on her cheek and laughed.

“Belle, you are brilliant. Yes, she can travel with me and Philippe. I will charter a private plane and I will make sure she gets the best medical care on the planet. We will cover her rehabilitation, it’s a perfect plan.I wish I could tell her myself. This whole shootingsituation is horrid, I’m glad you are good to go Sal, but I hate that she’s stuck here in this place. You know thatI would do anything for her.” He glanced up as Stella slipped through the doors, a smile on her face.

“She’s groggy but awake. Belle, I told her but she wasout of it. Guessnow wasn’t therighttime. She woke finally, and I’ll go stay with her when they release her while she recovers. I told her Philippe was okay.It tooka load offher mind. She asked what happened.I don’t know what to say. She knew that everyone else was okay beforeshe drifted off.” Horst walked up and pulled Stella away.

“If she’ll allow it, I will fly her and Philippe to my home when she gets out. I will pay for everything, and I will get her the best care money can buy. There’s a reason that silly lamp brought us together and almost getting ripped apart tortures me. Lacey will not be out of my sight, and if she’ll allowme, I willmake sure she recoversbetter than new.” Stella smiled at him and nodded.

“I knowshe’d like that, but shewill need someone to be strong for her. With hersevere injuriesit will taketime for her to heal. Psychologically, time will help that out, but with you there, I know she has a steady rock to lean on. Philippe will prosper with a man’s influence. I like Angel, but he’s not much of a Dad to the kid. I sawhowshe looksat you, you’reagoodthingfor her andherboy. It’s a fine idea, I second it.” Horst grinned and Belle smiled.

“I’llhead home tocheck on things. Stella, will you be staying here? Or do you want to ride along with Sal and me?” Stella looked torn, and Horst laid his hand on her arm.

“Give me your number. If something drasticchanges, I’ll call you. We can merely wait, now. I’ll stay here, maybe they’ll let me see her. Perhaps bribery with chocolates would work?” His grin was wide and Stella laughed.

“Hey, I’m sure it won’t be the first time. Give it a try. Iwillhead home and check on things, take a shower and change my clothes. I mayget a cat-nap in andI’ll come back and relieve you. Where are you staying?”Horst thought fora moment and gazed at her, his eyes downcast and sad.

“Honest,I don’t know, I hadn’t gotten that far. I was hoping to stay at Laceys, but now, I’m not sure.” Stella walked over and hugged him.

“Well, my friend,I’ve got an open cottage becauseSal is moving out, I would think, now that he’s an old married man, so you can stay at his place. You don’t mind, do you Sal?” Sal chuckled and shook his head.

“I’ve got to get my things cleared out, and you can take it over. I want the frozen pizzas in the fridge, so you can’t have that, or the beer, sorry.” Horst burst out laughing.

“I wouldn’t dare touch frozen pizza if my life depended on it.I prefer the real thing, thank you. Cardboard is not in my repertoire, so your fake pizza is safe from me.” Sal and Belle walked towards the elevator with Stella in tow.

“Sitting in a hospital isdownright exhausting, andIneed a nap. I hope the homestead is doing okay, and with Mom and Mick there, I pray I can finda quietzone. I forgot, Philippe isthere, so much for noaudience.” Stella smiled.

“I can take him over to my house. I may not sporta fancyTV, but he can hang out with old Stella Studlove. Maybe I can read him one of my stories and shock the kid. You can escape andcome hang out at my place if you need some peace. Besides,I think I need a drink. We can steal some of your champagne and have a real wild shindig, then pass out for the night.” Belle laughed and shook her head.

“I will havechampagne after my nap, thank you. We still have to toast to our big day, and I know who I’ll be snuggling up to, if you’re willing?” she said, glancingat Sal. He gave her his best innocent look and kissed her on the nose.

“Sounds like a plan, my Mrs., andI am looking forward to holding that sinful, curvy body against mine. Although it may be awkward consummating it with your family there in attendance. There’s always tomorrow, we can send them off on a lark to the Lug while we squeeze in a quickie. Hey, perhapsMinnie will meet a new guy while she’s there.” Belle nudged his arm, and he inhaled.

“Oh Christ, I’m sorry baby,I forgot. I guessI’llbe on top for any fun. You know me;I can do that blindfolded. Riding high works for me.” Her grin went from ear to ear and they moved into the elevator. Stella rolled her eyes and chuckled as Sal nuzzled Belle’s cheek.

“Oh Lordy, itwill be a long ride home. You two, go get a room, already!”
