Page 20 of Wishful Dreaming

Chapter Ten

Gentle blows the winds of time

Three weeks later

Lacey sat on the couch, her back tender, she propped a soft pillow behind her and watched Horst as he put the finishing touches on their supper. Philippe would be home from the Academy, and her mind was pulling her in many directions. The weather frigidand dreary, adding to her misery at missing the sunshine and beaches.

“Hey babe, how are you doing in there? Feeling okay? Do you need more meds, perhaps?” Lacey shook her head no and sighed, drawing Horst’s concern.

“Idreamedthis repetitive scenarioagain last night, and with the pain-killers, I’m not sure whattobelieve. It was so real, as if I werehearing the words live, and it’s not helping my mental state much, I’m sorry.” She twined one of her curls in her hand and gazed towards the bank of windows on the far wall. The leather couch was comfortable, but it still wasn’t her home. Horst had a steady stream of nurses coming in to help care for her, to dress her wounds, and ensuring there was no infection. She didn’t remember much ofthe trip over the pond, and couldn’t even remember agreeing to it, which was another thing niggling at her mind.

“What did you dream of love? You’ve been tossing non-stopwhile you sleep;I’m surprised your stitches are doing so well. You know I’d do whatever it takesto make you happy, and if you want to share it with me, I’m all ears.” He gazed over at her sad expression and felt his stomach fall.

“You’re not happy, andI know the shooting was rough on you. You’ve gone through so much in the last few weeks, but if I can help, I will. What is it you want, let me help you, love?” She shrugged her shoulders, and the tears welled up in her eyes.

“Horst,I know you think I hate it here and that’s wrong. I do like your home,I just miss my normal routines. I’m fastidious that way and I am not used to someone taking care of me. Besides,I miss the bright sunshine, the beach, Christ, I don’t know. Myemotions move throughlikeabreeze. It’s unlike me, and that bothers me.” She leaned back and closed her eyes.

“There’s something else, and I don’t know if it’s the shooting and what it’s done to my body or what, butI’m late.” She looked up, unsure of what his reaction would be.

“You’re not late to anything, love, we’ve nothing scheduled until this weekend.” Horst looked at her confused and her lips curved into a sad smile.

“Late, as in, my period hasn’t come, and it is past due. Unfortunately, with you having to take me everywhere, I couldn’t buy a test to see, so I had the nurse bring me one. It is positive, Horst,I’m pregnant. I don’t know how trustworthy those little plastic things are but it said yes, plain as day.” Horst looked at her, his mouth gaped open and he swallowed once, then grinned.

“What? You’re pregnant? We’re pregnant? Oh my God, what? How?” She giggled and shook her head.

“I’m pregnant, dear heart, you can’t get pregnant. Thefirstday on the beach, our maiden voyage of love, you remember, right? I don’t know what to think, andI wasn’t sure how you’d react. It’s not like we did it on purpose, and with the gunshot, my mind has been playing tricks and getting all topsy-turvy. Now I know why. It shocked me at first, but I think you and I will create a beautiful child. I’m just glad you’re not upset. I wasn’t sure how you’d handle it. It’s bad enough taking care of me, now I’ve got to worry about the little butter bean in there.” Horst came over and kneeled down beside her, his hands touchedher face like feathersas his tears fell.

“I’ve wanted children for so long now, and I love having Philippe here. It’s like a ready-made son. We’llhave a child of our own, and I couldn’t befilled with more joy. We must celebrate, and I have to find you a proper doctor, oh, do you think she’ll look like you or I?” Lacey laughed and stroked his face.

“He or she will look like you, tall and magnificent, blond and sweet. Oh, I’m so glad that you are good with this. It takes so much off my mind, it does. I can’t wait to make thecalls and tell the peeps back home about it, once I’m positive it’s for real.”

“I’ll do you one better. Philippe has a break coming up, how about we fly back and you can tell them all in person? We have to make sure you’re okay to travel with the little one coming.” She giggled as he leaned forward and kissed her.

“Pregnant women fly all the time, and it’s still early. I don’t expect it to be a problem. I just hope with the injury, everything will go okay with the baby. The trauma and blood loss from the shooting, I’llfind out. I’ll look forward to going home again, I needthewarmth, our child needs sunlight.It’s beautiful here, but this cold weather chills me to the bone.” Horst laughed.

“It getsnicecome springtime. Winters area drag, that’s why I hit the islands. Are you ready fornourishment? You’ve got to eat for two now, and if you get any strange cravings, let me know and I’ll get them. I hear pickles are a hot item for women expecting, I’ve no clue, do you like pickles?” Lacey laughed and shook her head.

“Baby gherkins are always a favorite, but no cravings yet. I’ll let you know whenany rise like a sinister monster. Chocolate is always good, though, but you’vegot that covered by the truck full.” Horst helped her up off the couch and they walked into the dining room. They set the table for three, and the doorswung open as Philippe ran down the hall. A grin spread from ear to ear and he thrust a paper into Horst’s hand. Horst looked down at it and beamed.

“Seems your boy here has won first place in the science fair for his volcano project.” He handed the paper to Lacey, and she smiled, her eyes bright with emotional tears. Philippe came to her side and hugged her gently,pulled out his iPad, and typed.

“I’m number one, best experiment there. Jealous mates, but I won, I won!” He grinned and gazed at Horst, thenran into his arms to hug him tight.

“It was because of you. We won,” he typed, and Horst tousled his hair, proud of his accomplishment.

“You won, Philippe. It was your idea, I just helped with the research on how to do it. Congratulations and a job well done. Come now, it’s time for supper. Go wash your hands and we can eat.” Philippe jogged towards his room and Horst moved to the stove and carried in a large pot of goulash. White bubbling cheese covered the top and Lacey felt her stomach rumble.

“Oh my God, that smells so good. You know I love pasta. I think the baby likes it too, if my rumblings are any sign.” He grabbed the basket of garlic bread off of the counter and sat it on the table, took his seat and waited for Philippe to return. He gazed at Lacey and shook his head.

“I still can’t believe it. When are you going to tell the boy?” Lacey smiled and shook her head.

“I need to findagood doctor.We’llmake sure that everything ison schedule with her. Once I know that, I’ll let him know.”

“Oh, so you think it’s a girl, too? I caught that. Our little princess, I like the sound of that.” Philippe came running back and slid into his seat, his eyes marveling at the big pot of goodness before him. Horst scooped everyone a plateful and sat back down in his place. Lacey took two pieces of bread and passed it to Philippe. Horst grabbed a piece, and theydove in to the meal. Lacey reached out and touched Philippe on the arm.

“Horst and I have a surprise for you. When your school break comes up, we will go back home again for a short visit. I bet you’dlike that, hmmm?” Philippe rushed over and hugged her, his grin stretched across his small face.

“Can we? How long can we stay?” he wrote and Lacey looked at Horst.