Page 13 of Wishful Dreaming

Chapter Six

The Wild and untamed sea of desire

Lacey ran out at eight sharp and jumped into the BMW carrying a bag and two towels. Horst leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, slipped his sunglasses down off of his nose and stared at her filmy beach cover-up. The black bikini was clear beneath the soft cotton fabric and he whistled. His devilish grin made her smile.

“Not that you’ve asked, but I give that garb two thumbs up and then some. Can you wear that forever for me please?” She moved across the center console and kissed him.

“I’m glad you approve, this old thing is something I found lying around, but we won’t be needing it, not where we’re going. Turn right here and I’ll let you know when to turn off the road.”

Horst raised his eyebrows at her and popped his glasses on, turned whereshown, and cruised down the old worn street. She held a white straw hat in her hand and she set the bag down at her feet. They drove for fifteen minutes as they chatted, and when they reached the turnoff, he pulled into the small lot. Theirs was the only car there.

“I’m assuming we’re going swimming, right? It’s too early for lunch and I smell nothing cooking.” Lacey looked at him and grinned.

“Don’t worry, not much cooking down here except bodies in the sun. You do know how to swim, right?” Horst locked up the car as she grabbed the two towels and her hat. He took her hand and walked alongside her down the path through the palms, where they emerged at the secluded beach.

“No lifeguards, hmmm? Is that safe? There’s no one here to rescue us if we get pulled in by a riptide.” She knew he was joking for the lines of laughter around his eyes. They twinkled in the bright sunlight and she knew as she gazed into them what her decision would be.

“This isn’t just any beach, Horst, it’sa special beachfor adults only.” She tied her hair back with a scrunchie and pulled her beach cover-up over her head. She watched his reaction as he looked at her well rounded breasts and tight stomach. Her bikini bottoms held on by ties on each hip. She unhooked the back strap on her top and let the material fall to the ground. His Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed once, then twice. She ran her hands over her body and grabbed one of each string on her bottoms. Horst moved forward and nudged her hands away, then undid one and then the other. Her bottoms joined her top on the towel. He ran his fingers over her skin and her nipples jutted out, hard and firm. Leaning his head back, he licked one, then the other as he pulled her closer to his body.

“This is a nudist beach Horst, anything goes here, you are now free to join in freedom of pure skin, if you are up to it. Are you Horst? Are you UP to it?” She glanced down and saw his erection standing high through his speedo. The black material left a gap at the top where his swirling blonde hair traveled downward. Lacey slipped her fingers into the edge of the material and brought it out and over his manhood. She gazed at his perfection. Leaning over, she tasted his skin, running her hands through his thick chest hair and trailing a finger down the goodie trail to the mountain that stood before her. Running her fingernail down his shaft, he grabbed her hand and pulled her close, his mouth covering hers. Their tongues danced as their bodies moved together in an erotic rhythm, back and forth. Lacey pulled away and smiled.

“I know you want to take it slow, so do I. I barely slept last night. You invaded my every thought. I can’t picture you leaving, something aboutnot seeing you just tears me up. I talked to Philippe, and he’s game. We’d love to come to your home with you, if the invite is still open.” Horst grinned and kissed her.

“You don’t know how happy I am to hear you say that. I know how you’re feeling, because I’m in the same place. I’ll make the arrangements. You’re both going to love it there, there’s so much I want to share with you. But we may need to shop forwarmer clothes, you’d freeze to death in bikini’s.” She took his hand and led him to the crystal clear water. Wading in side by each, he ran his hand down her back and chuckled.

“Taking it slow, how can a man take it slow when he is gazing at Aphrodite incarnate? You’re making my mouth water, and I want to touch you, to know every aspect of you. Screw slow, I’m more than ready, my dear.” He turned her towards him, her breasts bobbing on the small rippling waves, and pulled her tight to his chest. Lacey wrapped her legs around his waist and he moved his hands down to her ass, cradling her cheeks in his palms. Their tongues mingled as they stood in the water, then he released her and ducked beneath the water. He nibbled on her nipples as she giggled, then surfaced for air.

“It’s not that I wouldn’t love to make love to you right here and now. Somehow I don’t think it would be good for you. I’ve heard salt can dry you up, then there’s the infection chance. Let’stake this party to the beach and enjoy thesunshine while I make you my own?” She nodded, a wide smile lit her face.Horst lifted her up and carried her through the water to the towel. Kneeling, he lay her down gently and leaned above her. Gazing into her eyes, he moved his lips down from her neck to her breasts, then moved between her thighs. Her salty juiciness aroused him and he lapped at her like a man dying of thirst. She spread her thighs farther apart, and he moved between them and rested his manhood right at the entrance.

“I would normally take more time, my lady, but with your unexpected striptease, I’m afraid I can’t take much more before I explode. I promise to whisk you back to my rooms where we can shower, and I will spoil you like the sweet kitten that you are.” He apologized softly. Lacey grabbed his hips and pulled him forward, filling herself with his thick cock. Horst bent his head and yelped, then leaned his head back as he moved in and out, moaning. Faster and faster, she pulled his hips to her and reached for every inch of him to find her core. They both came at once, their cries filling the silence of the air. Horst lay inside her for a minute, then pulled out and lay on his side next to her. Tears filled his eyes, and he wiped them away.

“I know, it’s notmanly to cry, but I swear, making love to you wasthe most incredible thing that has happened to me. It was, I don’t know what the word is, primal, perhaps? Yes, primal and wanton. I’mrestrained in sex, and I don’t know, but you do something to me. You make me behaveuntamed and wild and it feels good. He ran his finger down and mingled them through hers and his juices as she smiled at him.

“It’s been too long for me too, that’s why I don’t mind the lack of foreplay myself. I wanted you like I have wanted no one in my lifetime, and damn, that was incredible. Wemeshed and became whole, noapologiesfor loving. I’m the one who didn’t pre-warn youwhere we would be. Manypeople wouldn’t enjoythisbeach, but this early in the day, it’svoid ofonlookers. I hoped we would have it to ourselves. Perfect sex in a perfect setting. Now that, is priceless.” He kissed her shoulder and smiled. Voices coming up the path ruined any other hanky-panky, and he sat up on the towel. Willie and Stella moved through and out into view.

“Hey kids, a great morning for… swimming, yeah? The water looks inviting, huh?” Stella glanced at Horst and nodded her approval to Lacey. They dumped their towels and a cooler farther down, stripped off their clothes and headed for the water. Horst looked at Lacey and smiled.

“I see what you mean, no one seems to care. Are you ready to head out, love? I’ve got a room waiting with your name on it. Perhaps some champagne and chocolates, too?” Lacey jumped up and tied her swimsuit back on, threw on her coverup and put her hat on. Horst grabbed the towels, and they waved at Stella and Willie, then moved towards the car.


Belle watched as the sun set on the horizon, the red-orange hues melting into the calm water. Sal was in the kitchen stirring updinner, and she touched her cheek. The tenderness was slowly dissipating and the cream Stella had concocted was working its magic. She glanced over and saw Stella out sitting on her porch, conversing and drinking winewith Willie. At one point, she glanced up and waved to her, and Belle smiled. Glad to see her finding someone to occupy some of her free time, she threw on a robe and moved towards the kitchen. The aroma of pizza filled the air, and she felt her stomach rumble.

“That smells amazing, Sal. You know how much I adore pizza. Is your freezer stocked to the roof with the stuff, or what?” Sal smiled at her and moved around the counter to kiss her on the cheek.

“Hey beautiful one, did you get a nice beauty nap? I didn’t want to disturb you. Stella called earlier and is having a happy hour again. We’re welcome to come. I’d love to keep youto myself, but I’meager to share the news of our upcoming nuptials. Have you giventhought towhere and when we make you an honest woman?” Belle smiled and hopped up on the stool.

“If you’re game, I’d love to have it down on the beach here. We can invite Lacey, Philippe and Angel, Stella, and most likely Willie. There’ssomethingromantic happeningwiththem, I feel it in my soul. I wantsimple for our bigday,no muss andno fuss. My mother and brother are coming in a few days, so if it’s not too soon, I can have them there, too. What do you think? Is there anyone you wanttoattend?” Sal wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

“No, that sounds perfect. I have to hit the mainland to buy you a ring. If we’re tying the knot, you need a proper ring. I didn’t expect to need one, so tomorrow I’ll catch the boat over and pick us out two. Do you want to come with me? Or should I just surprise you?” Belle kissed him on the cheek.

“I think I’ll let you pick them out. I love surprises. If I give you a small list, can you pick me up a few things for my family reunion? Mom likes a certainbrandof coffee and she only comes over once a year. I like to get fresh stuff for her, she’s gets picky. Mick at least is easy. He just got divorced last year and seems to be taking it okay. He’s a big kid, I couldn’t picture him married, and she was a piece of work. Cheated on him first chance she got. I’m glad it ended. Best thing that could happen to him. I hear he has a new girlfriend, but I don’t think she’s joining them. You haven’t seen him in years, right? He’s gotten so tall, he’s like a giant now.” Sal watched her as she talked ofher family. He was happy they would be there for the wedding, the timing being perfect.

“Sure, just let me know what you need and I’ll grab it while I’m there. I’ve got something I’m thinking of as far as the ring, and I know you’ll love it, at least I hope you do.” He walked over and opened the oven, grabbed the potholders and pulled out two pans. One large cheese and pepperoni with extra oregano pizza, and one covered with cheese and pepperoni, sausage, and bacon. She inhaled the scent, and he heard her stomach growl.

“I guess you want a piece of each? You’re a bottomless pit, my girl, you haven’t changed in all these years. I may go broke keeping you supplied.” He cut through both and hefted a slice of each on a plate, then handed it to her. She sat and watched him as she waited for them to cool.

“What’s up? You keep staring at me like Iwill disappear like a ghost. I’ve still got two more weeks here, and I can extend my stay if you want me to. Once we get married, Iwill have to head back and downsize my stuff when Imove here.” Lacey smiled.

“You’re willing to move here? God, I was so worried you’d want me to move back there. I love it here and can’t image going to the mainland. There isn’t much work here for you, and I love you, but that’s something we hadn’t discussed. It feels like the last few days have been such an amazing whirlwind for us. Christ,I’m still trying to catch my breath. This makes meso happy, andthishouseis big enough forusboth, no, I didn’t want to move.” Sal smiled.

“Honey, I love it here, too, andI have no problemmoving here. My job isfreelance photography, andIwilldosomebusiness with the tourists. They have destination weddings down here and I can make tons on that alone. I’m not worried about money. I never want to letyou go, my love. You’re my heart and soul.” Belle smiled and took a bite of her pizza, tears resting on the edges of her eyes. She thought about the lamp and gazed at her love.

“There’s no place that I’d rather be, thenhere with you, loving me,” she said and wiped a tear away. Sal nodded and took a bite of his food.

“Me too, my sweetest love, me too.”