Page 14 of Wishful Dreaming

Chapter Seven

Wedding Belle blues

One week later- 11:00 a.m.

Belle steamed her white cotton dress and hung it on the bathroom door. Sal was down at the bungalow getting ready and Stella was on her way to do up Belle’s hair. The wedding was taking place on the beach behind Belle’s home and her mother, Minnie, puttered in the kitchen making appetizers.

“Honey, eat something. It wouldn’t be good to be falling over on the beach before you say your I do’s. Come, I’ve made these tasty little crab puffs, try one, you’ll love it.” She held the plate out, her eager grin bright. Belle shook her head and rolled her eyes.

“I can smell the onions from here, Mom. No onions before the wedding, trust me, I’d prefer minty fresh breath.” Minnie wore her best hot pink with white polka-dot dress and Belle gazed at her mother and smiled. Her father, Walter, had passed fifteen years before, and her mother had always gone overboard on her love of everything mouse related. It surprised Belle she hadn’t wanted to sport the ears for the festivities.

“Yeah, I can see your point, but you musteat something, it doesn’t have to be this. How about I make you a grilled cheese sandwich? Maybesoup to go with it?”

“Jesus,Mom, I’m not hungry, so please, just chill out. The wedding will beover before you know it.I promise I’lleat something right afterwards. Witha house full of people,and everyonebringing something,we will have tonsto eat. Where is Mick?”

“Did I hear my name mentioned?” Mickey walked in behind Belle and socked her in the shoulder. He stood tall at six-foot four and stared down with a grin.

“You look beautiful sis, but then again you always were a looker. Probably forgot to mention it, butI’m glad you and Sal patched things up. You knowIalways liked him, andI just got back from his place. He’s as nervous as a cat. You’re doing much better than he is.” Minnie waved her hand at Mickey.

“Don’t be saying things like that, she’s not getting any younger. It’s not like Sal will leave her high and dry at the altar or anything. Really, you’d think I raised you better than that. Here honey, try acrab puff andtell meifthey’reseasoned enough.” Mickey grabbed one off the plate and popped it in his mouth. He chewed for a moment, then grabbed his neck with both hands, his eyes opened wide.

“Oh… God… Allergic to shellfish…” his eyes grew wide, and a grin broke his face as Minnie’s mouth dropped open“Jesus! Boy, you’re not funny at all! Oh my God, you’re going to be the death of me yet. Will you never grow up? MaybeI should have named you Peter instead. I swear…” Belle laughed and Mickey hugged her tight.

“Honestly, you’re looking beautiful sis, Sal is one lucky guy. Do you have any hot single girlfriends coming? Paradise can be a lonely place, and weddings get me horny.” Minnie slapped his arm and shooed him away.

“Go on, get out of here, boy. I’ve had enough of you and your dirty talk. Oh no, no hanky-panky if I have anysay onit. Today isyour sister'stime to shine,and we will help to makeit exceptional. The only princess there will be is Belle, so mind your p’s and q’s, mister, or I’ll give you a spanking.” Mickey rolled his eyes and grinned at her.

“Mom, I’m forty-eight years old, andtoo old for the dreaded belt, so save that threat, old lady, I was just kidding.” He looked at Belle and shook his head at her.

“No, I wasn’t…” he whispered, and she laughed, then gave him a quick squeeze around his waist.

“I love you baby bro, I’m not sure who-all is coming. I hear there might be a pretty girl or two. We’ll worry aboutyour libido later, fornow, both of you vamoose. Stella shouldbe here any minute to fix myout-of-control hair. Time’s tickingand I don’t want to be late for my wedding.” Belle headed back to the bedroom to finish primping. A knock on the door made her jump and Minnie ran out to open it. Stella stood in the doorway with her bright purple box of hot rollers and a plastic bag.

“Is my sweet girl ready for her magical transformation?” Stella gave Minnie a hug.

“Ooh girl, I love that dress, is that new? I heard polka-dots were all the rage these days, but we don’t get very many high fashion things here on the island.” Minnie preened in the attention and smiled at her, then bowed.

“Why, thank you for noticing, Stella, and yes, I bought it special for Belle’s big day. A woman has to be herself, and I’m not one for bland boring colors. My skin is much too pale, and I’m just sorry I didn’t get a tan in time. Belle is in the bedroom waiting for you. She’scool and collected for a first-time bride, though I hear Sal is getting nervous.” Stella giggled.

“I don’t know why he’d be nervous.He’s marrying one of the most beautiful women in the world. Look at that sky, it’s a lovely backdropfor abeach wedding. What’sthat amazing scent on the air? Something is making my stomach growl.” Minnie ran over and put a crab puff on a plate and handed it to Stella.

“I’ve been making this recipefor years, now. When she was growing up, it was one of Tinkerbelle’s favorites. I thought for her big day, she’d be excited to have some, and the crab is the freshest you can get.” Stella burst out laughing.

“Tinkerbelle? That’s really her name? I thought she was pulling my leg and never believed it.I’ve always known her as Belle. Tell me you’re… Never mind, Tinkerbelle suits her. I just hadn’t believed it, she can be a funny one, joking with me too often.” Minnie seemed pacified by her quick turnaround and smiled.

“When Walter and I got married, we spent our honeymoon at my favorite place. Weconceived Tinkerbelleon that first time,andhername fit. She was a tiny little thing with blonde curly hair. How could I not? She prefers Belle, though, andI forget sometimes. Hard to change up something you’ve called someone foryears.” Her eyes welled up with tears and Stella gave her a quick hug.

“She loves you, and I’m sure she loves her name. But I’ve got to go get the beauty’s hair done before we’re late to the ceremony. We can talk more later, okay?”

Minnie smiled and wiped away her tears asStella moved towards the bedroom. Belle stood in front of the mirror in her flowing satin robe and smiled when she saw Stella peek her head in the room.

“It worriedme you had forgotten about doing my hair. Please, work your magic, oh masterful beautician, and turn me in to a princess.” Stella sat her down and plugged in the rollers, then rolled her hair this way and that. She looked at the girl in the mirror and smiled.

“You’ll soonbe a proper married lady. I am so proud of you, my dear. I love you as if you were my own, and I am honored that I can be a part of your special day.” Belle watched as she worked. She smiled and reached out and touched her hand.

“I love you too, Stella. This willbean amazing wedding, one I won’t forget. Thanksforhelpingandbeingpart of my life. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Stella smiled.

“I hear Sal isnervous, andI don’t know why? He knows he’s captured the heart of the most amazingwoman in the world. I see youtogether andjustknow. Love like thatwilllastforever. I’m happy you’re not moving away, either. Now Lacey, I miss that girland she hasn’t even left yet, but I’m glad she stayed for the wedding. She may have one of her own soon enough if that silly lamp proves to be the real deal.” Belle smiled.