“Yes, Doctor. How is he?”

Sloane held her breath as strong arms wrapped around her from behind. Startled, she turned to find it was Kasper holding her. Foster and Bella were also standing there along with others that Sloane didn’t know, but recognized from the wedding. Foster was holding an elderly woman in his arms.

“When did you guys get here?”

“Oh honey, about an hour ago. You were so out of it; you didn’t respond to any of us.” Bella hugged her.

Sloane turned back to the doctor in disbelief.

“Maxwell suffered from a gunshot wound to the lateral thoracic. It caused a significant amount of blood loss and collapsed a lung. We’ve stopped the bleeding and re-inflated his lung.”

“Oh my God. Is he going to be okay?”

“I believe he’ll make a full recovery. He’s out of surgery now. Once he’s in a private room, I’ll send a nurse to get you.”

The doctor patted her shoulder before turning and walking down the hallway. Sloane plopped herself down in the nearest chair. Bella took the one next to her. Sloane put her head on her cousin’s shoulder. She felt the tears start all over again.

“It’s okay, honey. He’s gonna be just fine. You heard the doctor.”

“I could have lost him, Bella. I could have lost him today and he never would have known. I never told him.”

“Oh, don’t think such things. Deep down I’m sure he knows you love him. We all do.” She smiled down at her.

“Not that. Bella…I’m pregnant,” Sloane whispered.

“What?” the elderly woman called from halfway across the waiting room. She must’ve had her hearing aids on full freakin’ blast to have heard Sloane. She felt like a big spotlight was shining on her now. “What did you just say?”

“I…um…I’m sorry, who are you?” she stammered as the elderly woman removed herself from Foster’s arms. She made her way over to where Sloane sat with Bella. Moving slowly, but gracefully, the woman stopped in front of her. Sloane stood up because it felt wrong to be seated.

“I’m Adeline. Max’s grandmother.”

“Oh my…”

“Oh my, is one way to put it.”

“Addy, what’s going on?”

A middle-aged woman approached them. She had short auburn hair that framed a round face with gentle eyes. She was beautiful. Only the slightest smudge of her eye makeup indicated her worry for Max. Max’s grandmother took the woman’s hands in her own. A smile turned her lip up slightly.

“I believe this is the young lady Max has been telling you about.”

The woman’s attention shifted back to her. “You’re Sloane?”

“Yes, ma’am. I am.”

“I’m Caroline. Max’s mother. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Her smile was so genuine that Sloane was slightly taken aback. Max never spoke about his family before. She wasn’t sure he had one. She had no idea why he would talk about her to them.

“I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”

“Don’t. This is what my Max does. He protects people for a living. Every job runs a risk. We all know that.”

A job. It all boils down to that. Sloane felt stupid that she had almost forgotten. It made sense now. Of course Max told his family about his work. Sloane talked about work with her family. Now that job was done and Max would move on again. Caroline wiped a single tear from her cheek. Sloane straightened her shoulders. She would tell Max about the pregnancy because he deserved to know, but she would be clear in telling him he had no obligations.

“Now dear, what was it that you were saying?”

“I’m sorry, what?” Sloane feigned ignorance, but his grandmother was a smart cookie.

“Nice try. How far along are you?”