“Kasper! He’s been hit!” Sloane called, wide eyed.
Kasper knelt down next to him and lifted up the left side of his shirt. Max looked down. There was a small hole in his side closer to his back. Kasper ripped Max’s shirt open and removed it, balling it up into a thick wad. Max could feel the wound pull as the fabric was ripped off.
“Sloane, listen to me,” Gutter Mouth said. “Press this on the wound tightly and don’t take it off.”
“He’s gonna be okay, right? Damn you, Max. You better be okay!”
“I’ll be fine, baby.”
Max looked into her beautiful eyes. They glistened as tears rolled down her cheeks. He could hear Foster talking to Gutter Mouth. He had no idea if he would really be fine, but he couldn’t stand to see her hurting. He would promise anything to erase that pained look from her beautiful face. He could hear sirens in the distance. If he could just keep his eyes open long enough for them to arrive. Max felt some of the pain subside as his side began to go numb.
The paramedics came rushing over. They moved Sloane aside, barking orders at everyone hovering. Max felt the pull once again as the medic removed the shirt from the wound. The men talked above him asking him questions. His head felt fuzzy. He supposed it was okay for him to close his eyes now.
Chapter Sixteen
“Sloane! Oh my God! What the hell happened?”
Mirabella ran toward her, wrapping Sloane in her arms. Sloane squeezed her back, but only for a moment. All she wanted was to be with Max. She needed to be with him. She ran toward the ambulance, jumping in the back before the man could close the door all the way.
“I’m coming.”
“Only family, ma’am.”
“He’s my fiancé,” she blurted. Shit, it worked for him last time. Why not her?
“Okay, but sit back and stay out of the way.”
“Yes, sir.”
The man’s name badge read Murphy. Sloane couldn’t figure out if it was his first name or his last. Paramedic Murphy continued hooking Max up to numerous machines. Calling out things about his pulse ox, blood pressure, and other vitals that she had no clue as to what they actually measured. It was surreal. She couldn’t believe Max had been shot. He’d taken a bullet. For her. It was hard for her to breathe. She’d always known he would protect her from harm, but she’d never really thought about how. She certainly never thought it would lead to him being shot.
Sloane felt the first tear fall before she could stop it. Taking Max’s hand gently, she leaned forward and whispered in his ear.
“Don’t leave me, Max. I can’t do this without you.”
His eyes fluttered opened slowly. She leaned over him, ready to tell him he had to be okay. He just had to, because he was going to be a father. However, before she could get the words out, Murphy moved her away.
“Sir, can you tell me your name?”
“Can you tell me what happened?”
“Your fiancée is fine. What happened to you?”
Max began coughing in between responses. Panic bubbled up inside of Sloane. Red foam began seeping from his lips. The paramedic continued to write things on his clipboard. When they reached the hospital, the back doors opened as more men and women in scrubs pulled out the gurney that held Max. She followed them inside and down the hall until a nurse stopped her just as they wheeled him into surgery.
“Miss, you need to stay here. The doctors will do everything they can.”
Then she was gone. Sloane don’t know how or when she made her way to the waiting room, but that’s where she was when the doctor found her. She looked up at him.
“Maxwell Fear’s family?”