As much as she tried not to look at Max, she couldn’t help herself. Damn, he looked good. Too good. She couldn’t take her traitorous eyes off of him. Miraculously, she made it to the front of the room without falling on her face. She’d count that as a win.
As the music changed, everyone faced the back again to see the bride, everyone except Sloane. She watched Foster. The look of pure adoration that crossed his face made her heart swell. One look at his expression and you could never doubt his feelings for her.
“Who gives this woman to this man?”
“I do,” Sloane’s Uncle Clint answered.
He lifted Bella’s veil before placing a kiss on her cheek. Then he took his seat next to Aunt Marigold and Sloane’s parents. As Father McMurphy began his sermon, Sloane let her mind wander. What would it be like to be loved the way Bella was loved by Foster? As she stood there feeling out of place in her gown, she could feel Max’s eyes. Taking her gaze off the happy couple, she looked into the eyes of the man she loved. His expression was guarded. His eyes however, never left hers. It wasn’t until the congregation was alive with applause, did she realize Mr. and Mrs. Hyland were sharing their first kiss as husband and wife.
Sloane clapped along with everyone else. When Bella turned to walk out with her new husband, Sloane fixed her train before taking her place next to Max. She threaded her hand through his arm. Her stupid heart kicked up its tempo to double time as Max placed his other hand over hers. The man simply didn’t know what one touch, however insignificant, could do to her. She kept her eyes straight ahead and tried like hell to concentrate on putting one high-heeled foot in front of the other.
“You look beautiful,” he said. Sloane hoped Max couldn’t hear her breath hitch.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
They took their places beside Bella and Foster in the receiving line. Their job was to thank the guests for coming and remind them of the reception being held out back in the gardens.
“Sloane…” a familiar, and unwanted, voice said.
“Hello, Brody.” She smiled, still standing there with Max.
“You look gorgeous.”
“Ahem.” The trashy looking woman next to Brody coughed loudly.
Instead of introducing her, Brody grabbed a hold of her arm roughly, directing her outside. That went better than expected. It’s funny. Sloane always thought she would want to claw the other woman’s eyes out if she ever saw her, but she didn’t. Oddly enough, she felt nothing but relief. He was her problem now. Sloane held her head up a little higher after that. It was a good feeling.
The gardens were decorated to look like something out of a fairytale. The sun was just beginning to set on the horizon. Reds, oranges, and yellows painted the sky. One by one each tree lit up with hundreds of little lights. Larger paper lanterns hung from wires above the tables and stone dance floor. It was magical. Every detail was exactly how Bella had envisioned it.
Sloane walked arm in arm with Max to the head table where they both took their seats—Max to the left of Foster and Sloane to the right of Bella. At least she wouldn’t feel she had to make conversation with him all night.
Someone in the crowd started to tap their glass with a spoon, inciting giggles and catcalls from the crowd gathered. Bella beamed up at Foster as he leaned down to kiss her tenderly. As the laughter and noise died down, Sloane slid back in her chair and stood up.
“Thank you all for being here tonight to celebrate the union of two of the best people I’ve had the privilege to know. Growing up, Bella was like the big sister I never had…and didn’t want.” The crowd laughed as Sloane continued. “We did virtually everything together. She was and always will be my best friend.”
She turned to smile at the couple. “I’ve watched the both of you together for some time now. I truly believe you are made for each other. No one completes Bella the way you do, Foster. I see it every day in the way you love each other. I wish you a long and blessed life together.”
Sloane raised the sparkling cider that she’d switched out, as everyone else toasted with champagne. She sat back down as Max stood up.
“I’m not a big fan of speeches, so I’ll keep mine short and sweet. Over the years I’ve known Foster, I have never seen him look at a woman the way he looks at you, Bella. You are his world. If he were asked to describe his perfect woman, I have no doubts he would describe you to a T. It’s truly humbling to see two people so much in love. No one completes Foster the way you do, Bella. I wish you both all the happiness in the world.”
Max sat down and glasses clinked all over the garden once again. The meal was brought out and Sloane ate it as if someone was going to steal it from her. She didn’t realize how hungry she was until that first bite.
“Damn, did you taste any of it?” Bella laughed as she whispered in her ear.
“You know; I don’t think I did.” She joined in with her own laughter.
“I would now like to call Mr. and Mrs. Hyland to the floor for their first dance as husband and wife,” the reception assistant announced.
Foster stood up, holding out his hand to Bella. He led her to the center of the dance floor. The melody for a familiar song started to play. Sloane was overjoyed watching Bella’s dreams come true. Once the DJ began playing for the crowd to dance, Sloane made her way over to her parents.
“There’s my beautiful baby girl.” Her father squeezed her in one of his bear hugs.
“Looking pretty handsome yourself tonight, Daddy.”
Sloane stretched up on tiptoes to kiss her father’s cheek. He was a big man with tattoos and muscles to spare. His contagious laugh was one of her favorite sounds. To see his six-foot-one frame next to her mother’s five-foot-three always made her giggle. Especially because she knew who was in charge of that relationship, and it wasn’t the man that intimidated all her boyfriends when she was a teenage girl.
“Seems a certain gentleman can’t keep his eyes off of you. Do I need to put him in his place?”