Excitement flooded through her as she turned to look in the same direction as her father did. Only it wasn’t Max like she’d hoped. Sloane’s heart felt like it dropped into her stomach. Kasper smiled, saluting her with his drink. She smiled and waved back.
“He’s harmless, Daddy. Just a good friend. One of the men who was trying to help me.”
“Have they found that man yet?” Concern etched into her father’s face.
“Not yet, but I can’t continue to live my life in constant fear. I trust in them. They’ll find him.”
“My brave girl. How about a dance with your old man?”
“I’d love to.”
Sloane let her father lead her out onto the floor. She never had to be afraid of anything when she was with him. The little girl in her knew without a doubt nothing could harm her when he was near. The smile she had been wearing was lost however, as her eyes landed on Max across the room. A petite brunette was giggling as she ran her hand up and down his arm. He smiled that sexy mischievous grin that always made Sloane melt inside. Only she didn’t melt this time because it wasn’t directed at her.
“What’s wrong, baby girl?”
“That sad look in your eye isn’t nothing to me.”
“Just a boy, Daddy.”
“Would that boy be Max?”
“How do you know Max?”
“A father always knows about the important things, and people, in his baby girl’s life. Are you in love with him?”
“Yes. I was, I still am.”
“Well, if he’s passin’ up you for that girl, he’s an idiot and I don’t think I want you with someone that stupid.”
“Daddy!” She laughed, but her heart wasn’t really in it.
Max swiped a loose hair from the girl’s cheek. Just like he did with her. Sloane watched the woman swoon—actuallyswoon. This was excruciating. Sloane wondered if anyone else could tell that she was dying inside. He was killing her. He couldn’t wait until she wasn’t around? Then again, for Max, it was probably just another Saturday night.
Not for her. This was just another reminder of why she was here alone. Max was looking for his next warm body. Not someone to share his life with. Sloane needed a man who wanted to be there for all the mundane day-to-day tasks. She needed a man willing to be a father. Not a playboy. Her hand went to her stomach.
“I think I need a few moments alone.”
“Are you sure you’re going to be all right?”
“Of course I will be.” She paused before adding, “In time.”
Sloane kissed her father’s cheek before weaving through the bodies on the crowded dance floor. She headed back toward the church. She’d spotted a bench on the way out to the garden after the ceremony. She thought it would be a good place to gather herself before she had to fake a smile in front of everyone again. She sat there listening to the sound of Luke Bryan coming from the DJ’s speakers.
“Hey there, Darlin’.”
Kasper smiled down at her. He looked damn good in his three-piece suit. The blue of his shirt made his eyes sparkle. His smile lit up his whole face. No, Kasper didn’t look good, he looked hot as hell. Unfortunately, he didn’t make her heart race the way Max did. She wished like hell he would.
“Where’s your date, Cowboy?”
“I didn’t bring one. Didn’t see you here with anyone either. Coincidence?” He waggled his eyebrows. Sloane couldn’t help but laugh. Kasper always did that, at least. He was an invaluable friend in that capacity. Over the past few weeks he would call or text her, saying things just to get a laugh out of her. She appreciated that more than he could ever know.
“I’m not interested in men right now.”
“Is this about a certain someone we both know, that can act like a douche from time to time? Or should I get a video camera, a date, and meet you back at your place?” He grinned.
She didn’t know if she should confess to him or brush it off as nothing. They were friends, after all. He lifted her chin with his fingertips, and she felt the tears well up in her eyes. She rapidly blinked them back. The concern on Kasper’s face made her decision for her.