“I know. I came to talk to you.”

“Me? Why me?”

Without waiting for an invitation, Max entered the house just like he had dozens of times in the past. She looked nervous and yet defiant at the same time. She was so cute; it was no wonder Foster was smitten. The wedding was rapidly approaching. Max didn’t want to face Sloane for the first time since she left at the rehearsal dinner in front of everyone.

“Please, Mirabella. I know she talked to you. I don’t know what I did, but I can’t keep on like this,” he roared. “She just walked away like it didn’t mean a damn thing. I’ve waited weeks for her to tell me what went wrong. I need to know. That woman drives me crazy, but I can’t stop loving her any more that I can stop breathing.”

Max raked his hands through his hair. He didn’t mean to yell at her, but he couldn’t help himself. A tear slid down his cheek when he raised his head to meet her eyes. She looked shocked. Why did everyone think it was so unheard of for him to feel something for someone? Sure, he never had before, but that’s because he didn’t know Sloane before. She was everything he never knew he’d wanted.

“I’m sorry, did you saylove?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“Whoa. Stop right there and let’s take this step-by-step. When did you fall in love with my cousin?” Bella put her hands on her hips and waited for him to answer.

“When? I don’t know, exactly. I knew I wanted her the moment I saw her. I knew for sure, without a fuckin’ doubt, before I took her to my bed though. I don’t know if Foster ever mentioned it, but I don’t bring women to my house. There are definitely no overnight guests, ever.”

“Why is that?” She sounded sincerely intrigued.

“Someday when I settle down, I don’t want my girl to have to wonder how many women were in my bed, or if I took them on the couch or kitchen floor. I wanted every experience to be new and special.”

“Then why, Max? Why did you pick Sloane?” Tears were freely flowing from Bella now.

“Because I love her.”

“No, Max. Why did you tell Charlie that Sloane was a mistake, that she was just a release to you?” she yelled at him.

“What the hell are you talking about? I haven’t talked to Charlie since she left the club that night with you guys.”

“The next morning Sloane heard you on the deck. You were whispering on the phone with her.”

“I was talking to Gutter Mouth. To answer the other question, I wasn’t talking about Sloane, I was talking aboutCharlie. Gutter Mouth has the hots for Sloane. I told him Charlie meant nothing, that I was in love with Sloane.”

Max stood up and paced back and forth. He couldn’t believe it. After what they shared that night, she actually believed he felt nothing for her. Was she blind?

“Call him and ask him if you don’t believe me, Bella. I need her. Please help me.”



Sloane had been in her new apartment on the opposite end of town for a few weeks. She had been working ridiculous hours as a waitress at Sully’s, a trendy bar and grill. It was tiring being on her feet all the time, but it kept her mind busy. The less time she had to think about Max, the better off she would be.

She had thought time would make the memories bittersweet, but time didn’t always heal. Every day she missed him more. She had to stop herself from wondering what he was doing. Or who he was doing. Her heart couldn’t take the answer.

Tonight would be a madhouse. A huge fight was playing on the television screens. She didn’t know the names of the guys beating each other’s face in; however, she knew her tips would be improved because of them. The crowds were already filling in. Normally she welcomed the chaos, but this damn flu was kicking her ass this last week.

“Hottie alert at your table seven, Sloane.” Donna grinned as she walked past.

“Great,” she mumbled. The other girls got excited when good-looking guys sat in their areas and flirted with them. Slone only compared them all to Max. Every one of them she found wanting. A lone man sat at table seven. With the menu concealing his face, she began her rehearsed speech to get his attention.

“Good evening. My name’s Sloane. I’ll be your waitress tonight. Can I get you something to drink to start with?”

The man slowly lowered his menu. Staring back at her were the same whiskey eyes that haunted her dreams each and every night. She was stunned.

“Max?” she barely whispered.

“Yes, you can start by sitting down and talking with me,” he said smugly. Bastard.