“I’m working, Max. What do you want?”

Sloane was getting impatient as he sat there smiling. What was he doing here? How had he found out where she worked? Did he just happen to come in here today for dinner by chance? Was he meeting a date here? That last thought soured her stomach.

“We need to talk, Sloane. Now. I’m not waiting anymore. I’ve given you more than a month. That’s all you’re getting.”

“I’m not doing this.”

Sloane turned to walk away. Donna could take his table. She would most likely be in his lap with her tongue down his throat before last call. That’s what usually happened on Fridays and Saturdays with her. The thought made Sloane’s stomach churn even more than some random date showing up…He didn’t want her, but she still loved him.

She couldn’t sit and watch him with someone new, especially not someone Sloane worked with. She felt the bile rising. Max grabbed her arm, spinning her quickly to face him. Too quickly. The whole world spun along with her. The burning sensation filled her mouth at the same time as her saliva glands decided to work triple time. She threw up on the floor in front of them.

“Sloane, baby. Are you okay?” His voice was laced with concern. He held on to both of her upper arms as she tried to get the room to stop spinning. Maybe she was sicker than she originally thought. The spinning wasn’t slowing down. If anything, it was speeding up. Before she could answer him, everything went black.

Sloane woke up in another hospital bed. This was becoming a bad habit. She had an IV needle in her hand with clear fluids running into it from the bag hanging by the bed. She didn’t feel any shittier than before, so that must be a good sign. Actually, shedidfeel a little better. She breathed a sigh of relief.

A gentle knock sounded at the door before a doctor entered the small room. He looked up from his clipboard. His smile was almost as sexy as Max’s, and his brown eyes were so dark they almost looked black. His brown hair was a little longer than she would have expected from a doctor, and the tips were dyed blond. He looked so much like an actor playing a doctor on a cable show that she scanned the room for cameras.

“Ms. Robertson, it’s good to see you awake. I’m Dr. Hutchinson, but most of my patients call me Dr. Hank.” He extended his hand for her to shake.

“Is everything all right? I feel a lot better now.” Okay, so she was stretching the truth a bit, but he couldn’t know that.

“How long have you been feeling sick?”

“I’ve been kinda tired the last two weeks or so, but this last week has been brutal. I’ll be glad when this damn flu is gone.” She let her head fall back into the pillow. A moment later she lifted her head back up. “Um, did anyone come here with me?”

Sloane had been both hoping and dreading that Max would be there when she woke up. She knew they couldn’t be together, but damn, she wanted to see him again even though she knew it would just make things harder for her in the long run.

“There was a gentleman here with you. Last I saw, he was in the waiting room on the phone. So let’s just jump right on in, shall we?” He smiled. “Are you married?”


“Are you seeing someone?”

“Um, no. What does my relationship status have to do with why I’m he—” Her eyes widened. “OH MY GOD!” Sloane yelled, jumping up to a sitting position, the IV tugging painfully on her hand. “Did that rat bastard give me an STD?”

Dr. Hank had the audacity to burst out in a full-out belly laugh. Sloane didn’t see the humor in finding out she’d gotten a venereal disease.Please let it be treatable.She was gonna kill him. She was gonna cut his—

“Goodness no, Ms. Robertson.”

“Sloane, just call me Sloane.”

“I asked because well, Sloane, you’re pregnant.”

Pregnant. She just stared at him. She could feel her mouth hanging open. She wanted to close it. She just couldn’t seem to manage to make anything move at the moment. Pregnant, oh God. How did this happen? …Never mind, she knew how it happened. She remembered every delicious moment of how it happened.

What was she going to do? How was she going to raise a child on her own? No, she couldn’t think that way. Bella would be there to help her. Plus, her parents would support her any way she needed. Shit, she was going to have a baby. She was going to haveMax’sbaby.

“I take it from your expression and from my earlier questions, that this was an unplanned pregnancy?”

“It was an unplanned affair. Not even an affair, it was one night with a friend that meant more to me than him. Shit,” she blurted out.

“Well, we’re going to need a follow-up appointment to get a family history, and at that time we can do a sonogram to find out how far along you are.”

“About four weeks,” she mumbled.

Another knock on the door. Sloane looked up at it, waiting for a nurse to walk in, but no one did. Dr. Hank answered when she didn’t.

“Come in.”