Caroline’s eyes widened. “Oh my.”
“My thoughts exactly.” Sloane tried to smile. “I’m about two months along.”
Adeline nodded. “Well, this changes everything.”
“I don’t see how.”
“He doesn’t know.”
It wasn’t a question. Adeline was simply making a statement. The door leading to the lobby opened. A weight pressed against Sloane’s chest as Charlie scanned the small waiting room. She had her hair pulled back with rose-colored scrubs on. Spotting Foster, she hurried over to him.
“How is he, Foster?”
“The doctor said he would be fine.”
She gasped, pressing a hand to her chest. “Thank God.”
“How did you know he was here?”
“I was bringing a patient to surgery. I noticed his name on the board.”
Charlie looked up, and their eyes met across the room. The hate and anger radiating off of the woman could practically be seen, it was so thick. Foster grabbed her arm, but she shook him off with a dirty look and a jerk of her arm. Pointing a perfectly manicured finger at Sloane, she closed the distance.
“You. This is all your fault, you bitch,” she screamed.
“Excuse me, who are you?” Adeline crossed her arms over her chest.
“Charlie, this isn’t the time,” Foster warned her.
“I’ve been seeing Max for a while now. I guess you could call me his girlfriend.”
“Charlie, don’t—” Foster’s plea went unnoticed.
“Really? Max never mentioned you to us. He always tells us the important parts of his life.Especiallywomen.”
“We’ve been seeing each other for almost a year.” Charlie sounded surprised.
“And yet, we’ve never even heard him speak your name before. What does that tell you?”
Tears ran down Charlie’s face. Her mouth hung slightly agape. Sloane would’ve felt bad, if she wasn’t such a bitch to her. Sloane watched her face harden. Charlie glared at her.
“Don’t think for one minute that he won’t drop you just as quickly when the next pretty face comes along.”
“I’m not your competition, Charlie. I know better than to try and tie him down. That’s why I called it off with Max weeks ago.”
Caroline placed her hand on Sloane’s shoulder, urging Sloane to turn and look at her. “That’s why you ended it?”
“Yes, ma’am. I need stability in my…situation. I’m not built for a two a.m. phone call when he’s lonely.”
“Go to Hell,” Charlie spat.
“I’m not judging you. If you’re okay with that kind of relationship, good for you. I just know I’m not.”
Charlie eyed her angrily. “I’m a stronger woman than you, that’s why. He’ll be back. Healwayscomes back.”
Adeline waved her pointed finger around. “Well that’s horse wash. Sloane is willing to walk away from the man she loves because she won’t settle for less than she deserves. That’s what I call strength.”
Caroline smiled. “Well said, Addy.”