Max stood there with his arms folded across his chest. God, why did he always have to look so good? His hair had grown out a little more on top. His five o’clock shadow was sexy as hell. Mentioning that night stirred something inside her involuntarily. Her mind played back delicious moments that she knew she would cherish for all of her days. The reminder of that one perfect night was growing in her belly…Wait. What did he just say? How did he know what she’d heard him say?
“What?” she stammered.
“You know what I’m talking about.”
“It doesn’t matter now.”
Slapping his hand on the counter, Max bellowed, “The hell it doesn’t!”
“I’m seeing someone, Max. Whatever happened between us, it just doesn’t matter.”
Sloane hated to lie to him. It broke her heart all over again to see the look that blanketed his handsome face. Immediately she wanted to take the words back. She should tell him she was lying. Only how could she tell him that night was the best night of her life? She knew what she heard. Knowing Charlie was on his mind was enough. It told her all she needed to know. She was just one more in what she was sure was a long line of discarded women.
The reality of it was, it wasn’t just her anymore. Sloane was carrying his child. She wasn’t going to be an obligation. The next man she made love to would want her for who she was. Since she was pregnant, that was a problem for the far-off future.
“Oh, I see. That was quick.”
Max stalked over to where she stood. Her blood started rushing through her body, as her heart sped up. Why could this man do this to her? Did he see through her lie? He took her face into his hands, looking into her eyes. For the briefest of moments, Sloane thought he would kiss her like he did when they’d made love. She had butterflies from the anticipation.
“I guess it meant more to me, than it did to you.”
He released her face slowly. Reality hit her like a sledgehammer to the solar plexus. He believed her. He walked to the front door, giving one last look over his shoulder, and then he walked out. Without another word. She sent away the man she loved. Sloane sat down on the cold vinyl floor and cried. What woman in their right mind would send away the man she loved? The kind that knew she could never keep him.
Eventually, she picked herself up. She needed to figure out what she was going to do. She had a lot of planning to do. Thank goodness Bella’s wedding was sooner rather than later. No way could she hide her lie much longer.
Chapter Fifteen
It was the day of Bella and Foster’s wedding. Sloane woke up feeling as if she had been run over by a truck. Twice. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the luxury of looking that way. She knew she had to put on her big girl panties and her best smile. Pulling her long hair up into a messy bun, Sloane put her makeup and other toiletries into an overnight bag to take with her to Bella’s house. They would be getting ready there before heading to the church.
Sloane let herself into Bella’s house carrying the bag over her shoulder. Bella was upstairs and Sloane could hear music playing in her room. The look of pure happiness on her face when Bella spotted her in the mirror instantly warmed Sloane’s heart. She didn’t have on any makeup and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, but in that moment, Sloane had never seen her look more beautiful. Foster was a lucky man. The best part was, he knew it.
“You’re late, but I forgive you.” Bella got up from her vanity chair to wrap her arms around her.
“Only by five minutes.”
“Sloane, I love you. Thank you for being a part of today.”
“You’re family and my best friend. Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.”
“Okay, let’s get this party started.”
Bella had all the rollers in Sloane’s hair before her stylist, Fern, arrived. This cut down on the time Fern needed to work on her. While Sloane worked on her own makeup, Fern set about the task of piling Bella’s hair on the top of her head so her veil would encompass an elegant bun. Inside the bun, rhinestones sparkled when she moved.
With her hair done, Bella moved on to her makeup as Fern removed Sloane’s rollers. She gathered all the hair into a beautiful mass of curls at the base of her neck. Her unruly bangs were tamed with styling gel. It almost felt unnatural to not have to push them out of her eyes. All Sloane had left to do was put on the bridesmaid gown. She had to hand it to Bella—she picked out a dress that would flatter her, not make her look like a walking stick of cotton candy.
The black chiffon maxi dress fit her frame perfectly. The A-line hid the few pounds she had gained since she got pregnant. No one would be able to tell. Since she had to stand across from Max through the entire ceremony, she was doubly grateful for it. Sloane smoothed her fingertips over the silk of the bodice. Standing in front of the full-length mirror, she looked for any other telltale signs that she had a life growing inside of her. Nope, it was still her secret for now.
Sloane helped Bella into her gown. It was a beautiful fitted ivory dress with delicate embroidered tulle in a rose motif. The dress was everything that Bella was herself. She looked elegant and ethereal standing there ready to promise herself forever to the man who completed her. Sloane’s heart was full of happiness for her, but she would be lying to herself if she said she didn’t feel a twinge of sadness for her own love life. Or lack thereof. Today was not going to be an easy day. Not only would she see Max, but being as he was Foster’s partner, she knew Brody would be there as well.
“You’re absolutely stunning. Foster isn’t going to be able to keep his eyes or hands off of you.” Sloane laughed.
“I hope not; I fully intend to start our family tonight.” She waggled her eyebrows with a huge grin on her face.