Sloane stripped out of her clothes. Pulling a t-shirt on, she snuggled under the covers. It didn’t take long before she was sound asleep.



Max sat on the couch with his head in his hands. Hearing a door creak open, he looked up in time to see Bella emerge from Sloane’s bedroom. She looked tired and upset. Max stood up and pulled her into a hug.

“She’s gonna be fine.”

“I was so worried when you called, Max. She hasn’t been herself. I know she’s going to be all right eventually, but I miss her.”

“She won’t talk to me. I don’t know what to do.”

“Just give her a little time. That’s what we’ve all been doing. I’ll try to put in a good word for you.”


It wasn’t long before Foster came through the door struggling not to drop all the bags he was carrying. Max rushed over to grab a few from him.

“Let me help, man.”

“She hasn’t thrown you out yet, that’s a good sign.” Foster smiled.

“She’s asleep.”

“Ah, okay.”

Max helped Foster take everything out of the shopping bags and place it on the countertop. Bella put the things in their proper places.

“How long has she been sick?” he asked.

“She first told me she felt under the weather last week. I didn’t realize she was this bad, though. It’s probably all the hours she’s putting in at that sports bar.”

“Why isn’t she working in an office somewhere? That’s what she did before.”

“She said she needed the money while she waited on interviews.”

Max frowned. “Do you mind if I stick around? I really need to talk to her.”

“Of course you can. I can’t guarantee she’ll talk to you, though.”

Bella patted his shoulder before leaving the kitchen for Sloane’s room. This time she carried with her a tray covered in food. Max took a moment to nose around the apartment. It was smaller than her last place and the neighborhood wasn’t quite as good, but it wasn’t bad either. He recognized the same furniture. Figuring he might as well get comfortable, Max once again took a seat on the couch, leaning his head back to rest.

Max woke up to the sound of a door opening. It was dark out now and he didn’t see Bella or Foster. How long had he slept? Stretching his back, he watched Sloane walk into the kitchen. He got up slowly, entering the room behind her. He missed the sight of her in those little cotton shorts. Hell, he just missed the sight of her.

“How are you feeling?”

“Better. I’m surprised you’re still here.”

“Why?” he asked, confused. She knew he wanted to talk to her.

“Just am.” She shrugged her shoulders. There was a sadness about her that he hadn’t seen before. He had to see her smile.


“I’d really rather not discuss it, Max.” She stood next to the kitchen sink, looking down the drain. She couldn’t even look at him.

“Well, we are going to discuss it. You can’t just walk out on me without an explanation. As to what you think you heard that morning, you were dead fucking wrong.”