“Want to teach me sometime?”

“Uh, yes.” Her face lit up, like he was doing something for her…

Samuel narrowed his gaze. “What are you up to?”

“I mean, I think it’s easiest to learn sand volleyball so you don’t get hurt. We’d have to go to the beach somewhere. Besides, you and everyone else still wants me to relax. What’s more relaxing than the ocean and sand and waves? If I’m going to the beach, I’m wearing a swimsuit. And guys always seem to like taking their shirts off at the beach, so I’m thinking I like everything about this idea.”

Samuel just stared at her. “You got all that from me asking about learning how to bump a ball?”

“Hmm…” Her gaze turned heated, and she leaned closer. “On second thought we could leave the ball bumping to me.”

Fucking hell.

This woman would be the death of him. Literally.

Samuel shook his head and sighed.

Thankfully, Baruti turned into the pub at exactly that moment.

They emerged into the pleasant pub. There weren’t many people around at this hour.

“Aw, shit,” Kelsey muttered. “Logan’s calling again. I’ll be right back. Order me whatever.”

Baruti half-turned. “Let’s sit in the back.”

“Lead the way,” Jessica said.

Samuel studied the pub interior. “I’m going to the restroom.”

Jessica glanced over her shoulder at him. “And then there were two…”

He patted her ass after Baruti turned away earning a cheeky grin from her.

Kelsey might be on the phone, but she was also out there watching for anyone who might have been following them. Likewise, Samuel wasn’t going to the toilet as much as he was checking for a secondary entrance or anyone watching them.

Samuel stepped into the restroom and peered about, but it was empty like the rest of the place.


They could use a damn break.

He stepped out of the restroom into the narrow hall and bumped into another person.

“Oh my!” the woman said as she caught herself on the wall.

Samuel reached out a hand to steady her. “Sorry about that.”

She was an attractive woman of mixed race judging by her light brown complexion and curly hair. Based on her blazer and heels, she probably worked nearby.

“Oh, an American?” She straightened, eyeing him with interest.

“You okay?” he asked.

“I don’t know.” Her gaze slid down his body. “Want to join me for lunch and find out?”

“Not today, ma’am.”

“Well, I’ve got to eat dinner, too.”