“And I’ve got someone I’m planning on spending a lot of time with,” he said as gently as possible.

She sighed and lifted a shoulder. “Good ones are always taken.”

He was taken.

Samuel smiled and nodded. “Have a good day, ma’am.”

There was only one woman who had his eye.

Chapter Seventeen

Tuesday. London, UK.

Oliver stared at his phone. Suzan should have sent him something by now. What the hell was she doing in there?

This whole situation was utter garbage. Why should all this be on him? All because he owed a guy. It wasn’t fucking right.

The passenger door of his car opened and Suzan sat down. She glared daggers at him while he just stared.

“Wow. You clean up real nice.”

“Shut. Up,” Suzan practically growled. “You could have told me one was gay.”

Oliver frowned. “What?”

“The real big bloke? The massive one? Gay. What the fuck am I supposed to do with that, you idiot?” She reached across and smacked his arm.

He threw up his hand, batting her away. “How was I supposed to know?”

“You stupid, idiotic man.”

“What about the other one? Huh?”

She kept glaring at him. “He’s fucking the blonde bird.”


“So he wouldn’t give me the time of day. Those are two nuts I won’t be able to crack at dinner. This ain’t working.”

“Shit,” Oliver muttered.

“This makes us even.”

“No, it doesn’t. You didn’t do shit for me and I fenced that whole lot you couldn’t move. I did you a real solid and you’re just going to leave me high and dry?”

Suzan glared at him. “What would you have me do? Hm?”

Oliver scrubbed a hand over his face.

There was no doubt he couldn’t do this alone. He needed people. Problem was he was a solo kind of guy. He did small jobs. Little things. Something like kidnapping a person was outside the scope of his usual work because that always required more help. But, now he had Suzan, and she worked with people.

“Just so you know, the boss asked who I’d brought in and I mentioned your name,” he said.

“What?” Suzan shrieked. “You did what?”

She didn’t work for Edward like he did. And he hadn’t mentioned her at all, but he’d lie if it meant she got on his side.

“Why would you do that?” she demanded.