She froze, her being hanging on his every word as she held her breath.

Samuel lifted his head and stared back at her. “At the very least, I don’t want to see you dead. You’re important to a lot of people, Jess.”

But not to him.

That stung.

It was better than outright enemies, so she could live with it. Didn’t mean her eyes weren’t stinging or her heartbreaking. But, she was a big girl. This was just a crush. She’d get over it.

He lifted a shoulder. “Both our jobs…”

“What do our jobs mean about being friends?” She smiled at him, determined to brazen her way through this so she could nurse her breaking heart in the shower, later. “It sounds to me like we should have a great, symbiotic relationship. You catch the bad guys and I make sure they pay for their crimes.”

His gaze narrowed. “When it comes to you, is it ever that simple? I reviewed your case history in preparation for our investigation. You really put your all into these cases.”

“That’s what my clients deserve.”

“Do they deserve all of you? Do they deserve you risking your life?”

“You know, I could ask you the same questions? You seek out danger. When this case is over, you’ll be assigned another one that’s just as dangerous, maybe more so. Who cares about what you’re risking? Hm? Why is it you’re the only one taking risks to make the world a little better for someone else? Why can’t I do the same thing?”

His lips became a thin line.

This wasn’t about her feelings for him. This transcended her heart. This was truth. Because while she was guilty of being reckless, he was a habitual risk-taker himself.

She lifted a hand, cupping his jaw before she could think better of it, and swiped her thumb just under his bottom lip. “That logic can apply to you just as much as it applies to me, Samuel. We’re both important. What we do is important.”

For one precious moment, they stared at one another. It was the sensation of his stubble against her finger that recalled her to reality.

She snatched her hand back. “Sorry…”

Or, she tried to. Before she could move, his hand covered hers, pressing her fingers against his jaw more firmly. As if that was exactly where he wanted her touch.

If he’d let her, she’d touch a whole lot more. But she’d never gotten that vibe from him. Most days it seemed like he’d be perfectly fine if she rolled over and died. But the way he’d just dug into her as if he saw not only what she did but understood her drive to lift the darkness and clear the ladder for others to get to a better place in life? No man had ever seen all those sides of her and still had anything remotely positive to say. And out of everything he’d said one thing was on repeat in her head.

Samuel cared enough about her to stubbornly insist that she stay alive.

It wasn’t a roses and candlelight confession of love, but when had she ever wanted that?


Was it her imagination or was Samuel’s face closer now?

There were only a few inches between them now.

Her gaze dipped to his lips. They’d been compressed into a tight, annoyed line. But now? They were parted and oh so kissable. Seriously, he had the perfect mouth with just the right amount of fullness. It was a damn crime he spent most of the time scowling, because when he smiled? It was like the heavens parted and angels sang. Though that could just be her libido.

He was so close now. Was she dreaming? Was this real?

The lightest brush of his lips to hers sent an electric current of need through her body. Her fingers cupped his face more firmly, and she reached for him with her other arm. He leaned into her, bringing their bodies together.

She pulled him closer as her lips slid against his in a hungry, needy kiss. He tasted like the vanilla lip balm she’d bought earlier. And here he’d said he didn’t want to use it. Someone was a naughty liar.

“Jess?” he said against her lips.

She kissed her name away until his fingers were tunneling through her hair. But he was a determined man.

“We should stop. And talk,” he said a moment later, though his voice was softer now. More of an idea and less of a request.