Chapter Six

Jessica slid her hands over his lean chest well aware this might be her only chance to do so. “Is that what you want? Because I would really prefer no talking at all.”

Once their mouths started moving, she knew this sensual mood would dissipate.

Samuel stared at her for one long moment. He curled his fingers in her hair, bringing her face to his. She held her breath as he studied her mouth as if he wanted to commit it to memory. And then he leaned in once more, taking her mouth in a demanding kiss. His tongue thrust past her lips to tease her while his hands coasted over her body. All at once, her nerves were alight with sensation as he touched and stroked her over her clothes.

She wrapped her arms around him and leaned back. She’d have fallen to the mattress if it weren’t for how slowly he was moving. Here she was wrapped around him and he never missed a beat. He gently lowered them to the bed, their lips never parting for even an instant. She arched her back, pressing against him as he made love to her mouth.

Jessica had no fucks to give when it came to playing hard to get. She wanted him, and now that he’d made the first move she saw no reason to be coy about what she wanted. She wrapped her legs around his hips. His body undulated, grinding against her, hitting just the right spot to send pleasure radiating through her body. She moaned as lust rushed through her system.

It almost felt like she was out of control, driven by something she didn’t understand. And yet, wasn’t this what some part of her had wanted? Okay, another part had been firmly in the roses and wooing camp, but she’d always been a plunge into the deep end kind of girl.

She pushed her hands up under his shirt. He hissed as if even his skin was too sensitive. She stroked her palms up and down his sides and chest, all while his lips continued to seduce her. He kissed her so thoroughly it was getting hard to think. All she wanted to do was feel. To focus on this, here and now.

Why was he still wearing a shirt, anyway?

She shoved it up under his armpits.

“Jess? Jess…” He breathed deep. “W-we should—”

“Shut up,” she said and kissed him quick and hard. “You should shut up and keep kissing me.”


She groaned. “Why do you always ruin things with talking?”

That startled a laugh out of him even while his palm molded to her cheek.

Jessica grabbed handfuls of his shirt on the off chance he decided to put distance between them.

“Stop talking and kiss me like you mean it,” she said.

“I want to.” His gaze dipped to her lips. “But if I kiss you even one more time, I’m not going to stop with your lips.”

For a precious moment, she was too stunned to think or speak.

Was it possible he’d been attracted to her this whole time? Or was this a dream?

A slow grin spread across her face. She eased her hold on his shirt and in turn slid her hands up and around his neck.

“That’s just it, Samuel. I want so much more than a kiss…”

He groaned and closed his eyes.

“There’s one problem.” And she hated having to bring this up every time.

“What?” he asked, his voice strained.

“I’m allergic to latex. It’s a whole thing on my mom’s side of the family.”

His eyes popped open, and he gaped at her.

Under normal circumstances, she insisted on using condoms she provided for casual encounters. If a guy had a problem with that, she walked. But Samuel was different. She trusted him implicitly.

“Then… We should stop…” And yet, he didn’t sound like that was what he wanted.

“Or…” She swallowed, rolling the idea around in her head, but there was no hesitation in her whatsoever. “We make an informed, mutual decision. I’ve had so much blood tested in the last two months I know with certainty I’m safe.”