“Well, you did better than I did.”

He tapped the side of his head. “Only because you can’t hear my thoughts.”

A sensual grin spread over her face. “Oh yeah? Want to share?”

“When this is over.”

She leaned toward him. “You’re the worst, Mr. Jenkins.”

“Only because I have to be your match, Ms. Chapin.”

Jessica leaned in and smacked a kiss on his lips. He loved the way her face seemed to glow when she got excited. The idea that she glowed because of him was a boost to his ego.

“That beach vacation sounds real good right about now,” he said.

Her eyes widened. “Would you go? Really?”

“I’d consider it.”

“Don’t tease me. Yes or no?”

Samuel had gotten where he was through hard work. Wasn’t it time he got to play a little?

“Yeah. Okay. That sounds… Nice.”

“Okay, this gives me something to think about that isn’t gloomy. Just us or do you want Baruti and his husband to come along? What about Kelsey and the others?” Her expression grew more serious. “I bet there’s some mad deals I could get for a big rental…”

“Wow. Wow. Slow your roll. I’m not saying that’s not a good idea, but probably not any time soon.” He couldn’t imagine what this group would get up to on vacation together.

“No, you’re right. I get carried away. Something small. Just the two of us.” She ticked both points off on her fingers. “Volleyball. Somewhere relaxing. With really big beds…”

They grinned at each other. He wanted time to be selfish with her. Before work and the world pulled them apart.

“We really doing this?” he asked out loud instead of keeping that question inside.

“What? The trip?” She leaned her other elbow on the back of the booth. “Or… Us?”


She tilted her head to the side. “Having second thoughts? I wouldn’t blame you. I can be a lot.”

He shook his head. “That’s not at all what I’m thinking.”

For once, Jessica didn’t say anything. She simply sat there giving him time to gather his thoughts.

“I grew up as a poor kid from Georgia and—”

“And look how far you’ve come?” She squeezed his hands. “You’re a successful FBI agent working on a task force that people are going to write books about. You’re going places, and I get to be with you through that. It’s exciting to see from the sidelines.”

“To some people, I will always be that poor, Black kid.”

“Those aren’t the kind of people I want in my life or who get a right to say anything to me. You’re who matters.” She took a deep breath. “I don’t want to diminish what you’re saying. I know that I will never fully understand what it’s like to be you. I want to be your cheerleader. I want to be excited about your wins and there for you through the losses. I want you for more than just your smoking hot body.”

That made him laugh.

“Am I coming on too strong?” she asked.

“No. No, babe. Not at all.”