“Oh, I get to be called babe now?”

She slid across the booth until she was plastered to his side. He wrapped an arm around her and kissed her temple.

If only they could stay in this moment.

“We’ll figure everything out when this is over,” he promised and squeezed her to his side.

“Then get home quick, okay?”

He nodded then leaned in and kissed her.

Things with Jessica would always be interesting, but they would never be stagnant. His orderly life was about to be completely overturned, and he couldn’t be happier about it. Jessica was change and chaos in the best way possible. He just hoped he made the most of this shot.

“Come on,” he muttered against her cheek. “Let’s get you to the airport so I can come home to you sooner.”

“Music to my ears.”

They left the pub hand in hand. Baruti and Kelsey were waiting for them outside and their little group strolled back to the hotel.

The bad thing about moving about at this hour was that there were so many people coming and going, it was impossible to tell if they were being followed. Still, they made it back to the hotel without anyone too suspicious hanging around.

In quick order, a car was ordered, and it decided that Baruti and Kelsey would take Jessica to the airport. Samuel couldn’t drag out their goodbye. And there wasn’t room for four.

He kept his hands to himself and watched Jessica walk out of the hotel from his second-floor vantage point, feeling as if part of himself had just been cut out.

She’d been part of his everyday life for two solid months. He already missed her.

Sighing, he turned and surveyed their remaining bags. While the others made the trip to the airport, it was up to him to move locations. One person with a backpack and a duffle could move about easier than a group.

Samuel sat on the bed he’d shared with Jessica last night only to bounce back up. His stomach knotted, and he threw the blankets back.

“Shit,” he muttered and picked up Jessica’s laptop.

The laptop with all her evidence on it. Not to mention personal and professional email. Case files. Fuck.

This wasn’t good.

How far away were they?

A hurried knock sounded on the door and relief washed through him.

“Realized you missed something?” he called out as he crossed to the door and pulled it open.

He had just enough time to process the masculine figure rushing at him wasn’t Jessica before the man crashed into Samuel and took him to the ground.

Tuesday. Hotel, London, UK.

Jessica took the stairs two at a time.

While she hadn’t wanted to leave, she also hadn’t intended on sabotaging her flight back.


That laptop had everything on it, and while she trusted Samuel implicitly, she could not in good faith leave it behind considering how much of her client’s information was on it.

“I swear,” Kelsey muttered right behind her.

Baruti was down in the car making nice with their driver, who was a very pleasant, understanding person.