Oliver let Jessica stand in the courtyard a moment, peering about her, confident she couldn’t see him behind the large, potted plant standing on the remnant of a brick column.

Five more minutes passed without any sign of her three friends.

Time to make his move…

Jessica turned toward the road, putting her back to him. He stepped quietly out into the open and drew the gun. The safety was on. He didn’t actually want to kill her. Yet. She didn’t have to know that, though.

Oliver held his breath, certain she was going to whirl around any moment now, but he got right up behind her and pressed the business end of the gun to the middle of her back.

“Hello, Jessica,” he said.

Her body went stiff. “Is that a gun, or are you just happy to see me?”

“What do you think?” He grabbed her arm and backed up, pulling her with him. “Be quiet and don’t make trouble.”

She balked, but he pulled her along, regardless. “I thought this was an exchange. What happened?”

“Don’t you worry about it,” he said.

Jessica turned her head, peering back at him. “Oliver? Oliver, talk to me?”

“Shut up,” he snapped.

“I want answers,” she said, talking over him. “This isn’t what we agreed on. I’m willing to pay and make this all go away.”

He laughed and yanked on her, forcing her to turn halfway. “You have no fucking idea what’s going on, do you?”

“You could tell me.” Her eyes flicked down to the gun. “I’ve already been shot once. I’m not crazy about going through that again. Just tell me what you want. We can make a deal. I’ll make it worth your time.”

“I want you to move that perky little ass of yours,” he growled.

“Okay. Okay. See?”

Her hands darted up, and her forearm hit his, swiping the gun off its mark.

And then she changed.

Jessica’s face twisted into a snarl of rage and she rammed her knee right up into the family jewels.

“Mother fucker,” another voice roared right before something small and hard barreled into him.

Oliver hit the ground and rolled, seeing stars.

Get up! Move!

His brain screamed at him.

Those two Black fellas would kill him.

His feet scrambled for purchase as a foot connected to his side.

“Jess? Jessica!” a deep voice called out.


“You piece of shit,” the other woman roared.

Tiny his ass.