She hit like a fucking lorry.

He kept rolling, and this time got his feet under him. Voices and feet echoed off the brick. He didn’t look back, just ran and prayed.

Monday. London, UK.

Jessica stood anchored to the spot, staring down the alley where Samuel and Baruti peered in both directions.

“Where’d he go?” Baruti asked.

Samuel’s fists were clenched, and he swung his head left then right, still searching. “I don’t know. I don’t fucking know.”

Jessica’s knees shook.

The man had a gun on her. Pressed right to her back. She hadn’t been that scared even when they’d made their escape in Colorado.

Holy shit.

“Safety was on,” Kelsey announced.

Jessica whipped her head around. “What?”

Kelsey held up the sidearm Oliver had. “The safety is on. There isn’t even a bullet in the chamber.”

“Shit,” Jessica muttered. “Shit. I should have stalled longer. God damn it.”

Kelsey shoved the weapon down the back of her pants then flipped her shirt over it. “You didn’t know.”

Jessica’s gaze went past Kelsey to Samuel.

He was going to be so pissed, and rightfully so. She couldn’t justify any of this. She’d made a snap decision, and it had been the wrong one.

This angry, passionate man was foreign to her. She didn’t recognize him at all.

Kelsey edged closer. “I’ve never seen Samuel this upset. Word of advice? On a relationship note.”

“Please?” Jessica muttered.

“Tell him whatever he wants to hear. That’s not anger. That’s fear. And whatever happens in the next few hours? Don’t hold it against him, okay?”

She swallowed and nodded.

This was her fault. She’d thought the risk was worth it, that they’d gone this far without incident. Of course, she could trust Oliver a little bit more.

Clearly, she’d been wrong.

“Did he say something I didn’t hear about why he was holding a gun on you?” Kelsey asked.

Jessica shook her head. “No. Nothing.”

Samuel and Baruti turned back toward them. While Baruti focused on studying the street, Samuel stared straight at her.

Jessica forced herself to breathe and stand her ground as Samuel bore down on her.

“What were you thinking?” he snapped.

“I was wrong,” she said without hesitation.

“Damn right you were wrong.”