She took a deep breath. The food washorrible and she just couldn’t bring herself to eat anymore.

“Don’t,” he said.

“You don’t tell me what to do.”

“You’ve lost a lot of weight,Harlow. You’ve got to eatsomething.”

“You’re not my dad.” With that, she wrappedthe food up and tossed it into the trash can.

Getting to her feet, she started to make herway back to work.

“Do you really want it to be this waybetween us?” Big Dick asked.

She looked up at him and glared.“You made yourchoice.”

“Damn it, Harlow. You never could let thingsgo.”

She clenched her hands intofists, but then sheshoved them into her pockets. “So, because you’ve had enough of thesilent treatment and you’re ready to move on, I should just getonboard and accept what happened?”

“I didn’t ask you to be with Hunter.”

Harlow shook her head. “Leave him out ofthis. I’m not even talking about him, but I’m talking about how youhandled it. I didn’t bring this between us, you did.” Shesunk her nails into the fleshof her palms. “You knew what I went through in that hospital. Ilost something I didn’t even know I had and I know everyone issaying that I can’t mourn something I didn’t even know about, butguess what, I do. I loved Hunter, and I would have loved our baby.When you found out the truth, you didn’t even care about mythoughts or feelings. You didn’t for a second wonder why I would gowith Hunter. You didn’t even consider that I might be in love withhim.”

She took a deep breath.

“So, no, Big Dick, I am not going to fall in line with yourtimetable because it suits you and this distance between us. Youbroke this, not me. I don’t even know why I’m surprised. For youand all of your club, it is the club. That is who and what you careabout. Not me, not family, nothing but the club. So be grateful,because I promise you, I won’t cause you any wavesagain.”


“You have a dress waiting in your office?”Harlow asked.

“Yeah, I do. You never know when a womanmight need a change of clothes. If it makes you feelany better, I also have a pairof pants and a blouse. I might have a small wardrobe in my officefor all occasions. Don’t knock it as it’s coming in tightnow.”

The dress Hailey had given her was alittle big, but the straps were the kind that could be tied. It hadtaken some fixing, but the dress did fit well. They had tied themat her shoulders to bring in the neckline. Even though she had lostquite a bit of weight, she still had a large bust. At the waist,there was also a set of ties, and they had drawn that in as well.

Hailey had also offered to do her makeup.Harlow hadn’t wanted anything too obvious, to which she had beenpromised a makeup-no-makeup look. She had no idea what that meant,but glancing in the mirror, Harlow was impressed. Her hair, whichhad a natural curl to it, hung free, and she was ready for thedate. She was a little nervous about her arm ink, and she tried notto nibble on her lip, in case she ruined the lipstick.

“Andrew is going to lose it when he seesyou,” Hailey said.

“Doyou want to come out with us?”

“No, this night is for the two of you andI’m not going to be a third wheel. Trust me, I have plans.” Haileysmiled.

Harlow had been so wrapped up in her ownlife, that she hadn’tgiven any time to think about her friend.

“Are you going on a date? Are you datingsomeone?”

“I am seeing someone, butit’s kind of early, andwell, I don’t want to say anything. It is nice and strange all atthe same time,” Hailey said, and her cheeks were a bright red. Sheshook her head and the bell rang, letting them know someone hadstepped in.

Harlow spun around and sure enough, dressedin a pair of jeans and crisp white shirt, looking mightily sexy ashe did, was Andrew. His hair was brushed back, but it didn’t lookgreasy.

“Hi,” he said.

Her heart raced just a little bit and sheforced a smile to her lips. “Hi.”

“You look amazing.”

“Thank you, ugh, so do you.”