“She is vegan,” Hailey said.“So, her choices arequite limited.”

“I’m vegan as well.”Andrew chuckled.

“You are?” Harlow said.

“Yeah, I kind of have a thing about nothurting animals.”


“She will see you Friday. If you pick herupfrom here, then youtwo will be good to go. I promise I’ll get her ready foryou.”

Andrew left and Hailey seemed way tooexcited.

“What are you doing?” Harlow asked.

“Helping you,” Hailey said. “He is a veganand he’s totally intoyou, and that is a good thing.”

Harlow shook her head. “I don’t think thisis a good thing.”

Hailey handed her a bag ofcold fries. “You don’t thinkanything is a good thing now. You hate watching romantic movies.You hate everything in life, and don’t think I haven’t noticed thatabout you. It is not good for the soul to hate so muchstuff.”

“I don’t hate anything.”

“Then what do you call it?” Haileyasked.

“I put a realistic perspective oneverything.” She might have spoiled a couple of movies by calling it all bullshitand giving a different ending, that is ten or twenty years down theline. In most instances, the man leaves and the woman can’t moveon. Not a good prediction of the future.

“You’re in a rut, and I care enough aboutyou to help you out of it.”

“You’re helping me out of a rut?”

“Yes, I am.” Hailey rolled her eyes. “Ican’t believe how much of a pain you can be. I know he hurt you,and I know you’re going through a lot and I’m not trying to demeanwhat happened, but … Andrew seems like a nice guy.”

“I don’t think I should be going out withany guy while I’m stilltrying to get over another one,” Harlow said.

“Don’t think of it as a date then, think of it as apossibility for the future,” Hailey said. “You can’t get oversomeone if you keep thinking about what might havebeen.”

Harlow wasn’t even thinking about whatmight be. She wasn’t thinking about anything at all. There wasno“might have been.”There was nothing.

Hunter had ended it and that night, agreat deal had ended, including a child she didn’t even realize shewas carrying. She felt that stab of guilt in her chest. She hadn’teven known she was pregnant. Her cycle had always been all over the place.

Tears filled her eyes, and shegrabbedthe fries. “I’mgoing to eat these outside.”

Hailey didn’t stop her. She needed somefresh air and seeing as she worked through her lunch break, shecould take a little time for herself.

Stepping out of the shop, she made her waytoward the church. She hadn’t seen Larissa in a while, and seeingthe church made her think of the other sweet woman. Shedidn’tgo inside thechurch grounds to eat, but on the bench outside. Tucking her legsbeneath her, she unwrapped her lunch and started to eat.

Food was food, and she was trying to stayfocused and take care ofherself, but it was still hard to do. The last thing she wanted todo most days was eat.

“I didn’t think I would find you here,” BigDick said, taking a seat beside her.

She hadn’t even heard him approach and sheglanced over at him.Shedidn’t say a word and just continued to eat. The food didn’t tastelike anything.

“I miss you, Squirt,” he said.


“Harlow, I don’t like this.”