He also knew it didn’t help that Big Dickwasn’t able to find him either. No one evaded Big Dick, but therewas clearly a first foreverything.
Big Dick took the bottle of whiskey, sat atthe bar, and drank. He didn’t need a glass. He didn’t need fuckinganything but a drink.
Brick, Elijah, Rock, and Kinky had all tried to talk to him,but he wasn’t interested in small talk. He certainly wasn’tinterested in whatever Kinky had planned with two of the clubpussies.
He didn’t care aboutanything right now but drinking. His handsshook a little, and he knew it was from the anger. He had to gethis shit together, otherwise he was going to fucking blow, and thatwas not good.
His sister. His sweet, beautiful sister, fucking Hunter. Hehated it.
Hunter was not a good man. He was an evilfuck. Women were always drawn to the bastard, and by the time hewas done with them, they always fucking regretted it.
A new wave of anger rushed over him. Harlowdeserved better.
She deserved a man who would fall in lovewith her, who would lookinto her eyes and have no other women. Big Dick imagined that whileHunter was with her, he might have been with other women. Not tomention the fact that Harlow was pregnant.
Heclenched his hands, tightening them into fists, andbreathed in and out.
“You’re angry.”
And Larissa was the last person he wantedto see right now. He had closed his eyes and hopedshe’d take the hint.Instead of taking the motherfucking hint, she pulled out a chairand slid into it, as if he’d invited her. Now he was getting angry.He had to control his temper.
Hitting Hunter was acceptable, for whatthe bastard had done.Lashing out at Larissa wouldn’t be tolerated. Smokey had a deeprespect for Jonah, as did Big Dick.
“Closing your eyes is not going to make medisappear.”
This woman was a thorn in his side. Whywas she always there, when he didn’t want her to fuckingbe?
Slowly, he openedhis eyes, and sure enough, he turned toface her.
Larissa had this sweet smile on her face.She also wore another fucking dress, this one molded to her tits,and seemed to push them up, creating fantastic cleavagewhich he knew would make someof the club pussy envious. She also wore a knit cardigan, a pair ofpumps, and some tights. Tonight, it was black, but she did like towear a multitude of colors with her tights. He didn’t even realizea woman had that much choice in the matter.
“Are you okay?” Larissa asked.
“Are you just determined to sit there andask me a bunch of fucked-up questions?” Big Dick asked.
“I wanted to help you,that’s all. They don’thave to be messed up. You look angry.”
“Why are you here?”
Larissa smiled. “Smokey doesn’t have a replacement yet, and Idon’t like to leave a job unfinished.”
“So, you’re cleaning.”
“Yep, cleaning.”
“You know you’re not wanted here, right?The guys have had enough of your prissy fucking attitude. You thinkyou’re better than us. The women don’twant you either, judging them because they want agood, hard fuck, and it doesn’t mean they have to be attached to aman. They’re not looking for forever or rainbows, or fuckingbutterflies. Why don’t you take your holier-than-thou attitude andfuck off?” He glared at her. “Because none of us want youhere.”
He knew if Smokey heard what he just said,therewould be hell topay. For now, he grabbed his bottle of whiskey and didn’t lookback.
Chapter Fourteen
SeveralDays Later
Harlow looked into thebox, double-checked the order, added somepackaging, along with the labels Hailey had asked her to apply, andgot it set up for dispatch. She had several orders to get throughwhile her boss dealt with a client.
She enjoyed watching Hailey get to work, glamming up thewomen. Some had been for social events, others work-related. Shehad even seen a woman ask for some advice and tips on how to getthe best look. Hailey was amazing, so sweet and calm.