She removed her apron. “I’m going to leave, Ava, and I’m notcoming back.” She swiped at her face.

“Harlow, please don’t go.”

“I’m not staying. I love you, I do, but Ineed to get away.”

Ava took the apron, and she didn’t stopher as she walked out the door. Harlow didn’t know where she wasgoing. She hadn’t picked up her coat or her bag, but shewalkeddown thestreet.

Once again, like a beacon of hope, Hailey’sBeauty Parlor waited for her.


“Are you okay?” Smokey asked.

“Yeah, I’m okay. Don’t you think I shouldbe asking you that question?” Ava chuckled, but it wasn’t an easysound to make.“I don’tthink Harlow will come back.”

“Doesn’t she have her notice to workout?”

Ava sighed. “I can’t make her workanything out right now. Youshould have seen her face, Smokey. She looked so … broken. I can’tbelieve it was Hunter.”

Smokey rubbed at her arms and didn’t say a word. She knew hewas going through a lot right now. He had no choice but to closeThe Shack. She had no doubt he was going to investigate, but someof their people were hurt. They were workers, not part of the club,but in a way, owned by the club.

She spun around and looked at him. “You’renot saying anything.”

“There’s nothing for me to say, babe.”

Ava knew what that meant. “You knewsomething.”

“I didn’t. Trust me, shit with Big Dick andHunter is not going to end well.” He released a sigh. “I didn’t think of it likethat.”

“Shit is going to go bad, quickly if I’mnot careful. Hunterabused Big Dick’s trust…”

“Why do I feel there’s abutcoming here?” Ava asked.

“But at the same time, Harlow is free tomake her own choices. She didn’t want to name him, and as much asHunter has pissed me off, I know him. He wouldn’t have forcedthis.” He reached out and stroked some of her hair that had fallenacross her brow. “I don’t like this at all.”

She looked into his eyes and knew he wasspeaking the truth.Smokey didn’t lie to her.

“Someone took a video, actuallymotherfucking recorded them, Ava. Not only that, there werepictures. We’re being watched.”

“Are you thinking of announcing alockdown?” The last time that happened, her bakery suffered, as didshe. Baking at the clubhouse was fun, but not everyone wanted toeat what she cooked or baked. As she loved to work all day, every single day, she hadpretty much filled up all the MC freezers.

“Not yet.”

“Has this ever happened before?”Ava asked.

Smokey took a breath and she watched as hethought it over, which was strange for him.

“No, nothing like this. Twisted Bastards MCare exactly that. They have always dealt a low blow.”

She remembered what those evil fuckers haddone to her. “But if you killed Creed, wouldn’tthat, like, changeeverything?” she asked.

He traced a finger across her brow, andthen curled down toward her lips. She had already moved intoposition, straddling his waist, and she felt the hard length of hiscock againsther pussy.She loved it when they took these precious times to be together.They were some of her favorite memories with him.

“No, it doesn’t kill the club, and thetruth is, I should have completely annihilated the fucks,” Smokeysaid. “That’s on me. I left them exposed, and I’m guessing I’m notgoing to like their replacement.”

“You don’t know who it is, do you?”she asked.

“No, I don’t.”