No one tried to stop him and he got to hisfeet and left.

Chapter Eleven

The beeping sound was starting to getannoying. Harlow opened her eyes and then closed them. The lightseemed a little too bright.

“Hey,Squirt,” George said.

She groaned.

“Why do I feel this is going to bebad news?” Harlowasked.

“Do you not remember?”

She opened her eyes and turned her head tolookat her big brother.The events that led her to the hospital played in her mind and shegroaned. “Ouch.”

“Yeah, ouch.”

“Someone tried to run me off the road.”

“They didn’t just try. They succeeded.”

“I wonder if I didn’t give the right amountof cookies in an order,” Harlow said, groaning. “My bodyhurts.”

She sighed and looked toward George and theway he looked at her was strange.

“What is it?” she asked.

George got to his feet and she knew something bad had happenedwhen he sat on the edge of the bed and took her hand.

“You’re scaring me.”

“Do you need me to call someone?” heasked.


“Harlow …you were pregnant.”

She looked at her brother and didn’t daremove. “What?”

“You miscarried but you were pregnant. Thedoctors said from the blood and … you were not that far along…”

She opened her mouth and closed it.

“I … I had no idea,” she said.

“Who is it?”

“George, don’t!”

“He needs to know.”

Harlow pressed her lips together. “He doesn’t want to know.It doesn’t matter.”

“You were dating someone and you didn’t tellme?” George asked.

“It was nothing. It meant nothing. It’sover anyway. It didn’t last so there’s no point in telling anyone anything.” She hadbeen pregnant with Hunter’s baby. She had known there was a highrisk of that happening, seeing as they hadn’t used protection. Didit mean they had caught on that first time?

Harlow didn’t know and right now, shedidn’t want to know. Her body hurt andshe had to try and get her head around beingpregnant.