
Someone ran his sister off the road.

Big Dick looked at his baby sister. She washooked up to tubes. Her face was bruised and he imagined that wasfrom the impact of the steering wheel.

Anger consumed him.

He gripped the railing at the end of thebed. His mother had already thrown accusations athim, and he’d given hera look that told her to shut the fuck up. He loved his mom,respected his parents, but that love didn’t even come close to whathe felt for Harlow.

Big Dick adored his little sister. Fromthe moment she was born, he had vowed to always take care of her.He promised to love and protect her, and now she was in thehospital, and from what he had heard the doctors saying, she hadalso been pregnant, but the impact from the car had caused her tolose the baby.She hadmiscarried in the car, in the freezing conditions. He didn’t evenknow she was dating someone.

Anger traveled down his spine. TwistedBastards MC had done this. He didn’t even need to guess. His searchhad come up with nothing. They had become ghosts and Big Dickdidn’t like ghosts.

Harlow would recover. He didn’t know how shewas going to handle the fact she had lost her baby, or even getbehind the wheel of a car again.

Another rush of anger consumed him.He needed to kill, felt athirst to hurt, but he had to wait.

Some of the club had come with him as he knew they would. All herlife, Harlow had struggled to make friends, but amongst the clubwomen, because of Ava, she had found her place. He would forever beindebted to Ava for giving his sister a chance. He knew she wasn’teveryone’s cup of tea, but Ava had opened her shop and for that, hewas grateful.

Letting go of the railing, he moved aroundto the side of the bed and reached out. He stroked her cheek,tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

“I will find out who did this,” he said. “And I will make thempay. I promise you, Harlow. You will never go through this again.”He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Ignoring his parents, he walked out to thewaiting room. Ava wasstanding by the door, tears in her eyes.

“How is she?”

Big Dick looked at Ava and then towardSmokey and across the group that had arrived. He ran a hand downhis face. “She’s stable, for now.She lost a lot of blood.” Big Dick pressed hislips together.

“What is it?” Ava asked.

“Does anyone know whoHarlow might have been dating?” Big Dickasked.

“Harlow wasn’t dating anyone,” Ava said.“She would have said something. There was no one in her life.”

“Why?” Smokey asked.

Big Dick looked at hisprez and he didn’t have thewords.

“She miscarried, didn’t she?” Ravenasked.

He turned to look at Raven andcouldn’t bring himself to saythe words so he nodded.

Ava sobbed. “She never said anything.”

“The doctor said it was stillearly, a couple ofweeks, but … she lost a lot of blood. The impact of the car, and, Idon’t know, it must have been…” He couldn’t bring himself to thinkabout how scared Harlow had been. Did she even know she waspregnant?

He had always been close to his sister. Yes,they bickered and didn’t always see eye to eye, but she was hislittle sister. He loved her so damn much, and he wasn’t there toprotect her. He fucked up.

“Is she going to be okay?” Hunterasked.

He looked toward his VP and nodded. “Thedoctors said she’sstable for now, but they don’t know how she’s going to feel abouteverything. This will be hard.”

“We’ll all be here,” Ava said.

“She has the club,” Smokey said. “We’vealways got your back.”

He nodded, knowing the club would always bethere. “I’ve got to go back and be with her.”