She stared into his eyes. “I will marry you,but on one condition.”

“Name it.”

“You never, ever, hurt me like that again,and you’ve got to swear you will never look at another woman, anddon’t even breathe intheir direction.”

“Ibelieve that is three conditions, but I will grant you allof them.”

Hegot to his feet, pulled her in close, and kissed her.Hunter felt like he’d been drowning, but now as his lips touchedhers, he was finally alive. She was everything.

This woman had gotten under his skin, andshe had never gone away,and the truth was, he didn’t want her to go.

She was his everything.

He took the engagement ring from the boxand slid it into her finger.A perfect fit, just as he knew it would be. Harlow fittedhim perfectly.

She was everything.



All his.

Taking holdof her hand, he led her into theclubhouse.

“Hunter, where are we going?”

“You said you’d marry me, and I goteverything ready. All youneed is to say I do.”

Stepping into the clubhouse, he showedHarlow exactly what he had prepared and he felt her mouth fallopen.

“I wanted everything to be perfect foryou.”

“Hunter, this is all perfect,” she said.

That was all he needed to hear. Heintended to make every single moment perfectfor her.


OneYear Later

“We’re not going through that again,”Hunter said.

Harlow lifted her head and looked over ather husband. “We will.”

“No, I can’t go through that again. I refuseto.”

“Come here.” She held her hand out and hedidn’t fight her. Hewent straight to her, and she drew him close. “Look at our littleangel. Look at our little sweetheart.”

Hunter sighed and stared down at their babygirl.

The moment he looked into her beautifulface, all hope was lost. Hunter felt an overwhelming need toprotect. For afewseconds during the labor, he had hated the baby as his wifescreamed in agony.

From the moment Harlow had told him shewas pregnant, he had been terrified. Women diedduring childbirth. Harlow’s pregnancy hadbeen amazing. Yes, she had the morning sickness, and she had thesex drive as well. She had been insatiable, and Hunter had beenthere every time she needed him.

Even when she couldn’t moveand she had to ask for help,which he knew embarrassed her, he’d been there by her side. It wasa dream come true.

Life at the club hadn’t been easy,andhe knew he had beena selfish fuck to keep her, but he couldn’t lose her. She belongedto him.