She already looked like she had lost weight.Harlow didn’t like it and felt responsible for the weight loss. Ifit hadn’t been for who she was, being Big Dick’s little sister,they would have left Hailey alone.
“How are you?” Harlow asked.
“I’m fine.”
“You know, when people hide in their roomsfor days at a time and don’t come out, and don’t seem to eat,that’s not fine.”
Hailey sighed. “I’m dealing.”
“By locking yourself in your bedroom.”
“It’s the easiest thing to do. My bedroom makes me happy. Itis my happy place.”
“And not your shop?” Harlow asked.
Hailey looked up. “My shop is what hascaused me so much trouble. It’s why your … boyfriend—”
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
“It’s why your not-boyfriend didn’t trustme. Your brother also had his doubts.”
“Actually, it had nothing to do with yourshop and everything to do with me. I was the reason it allhappened.” Harlow winced. “Are you going to fire me?”
“No, I’m not going to fire you.” Haileysaid.
“Do you want me to move out?” Harlow asked. She didn’t wantto move out. She loved living in this house, and it was so muchbetter than her old apartment. Hailey had been there forher.
“No, I don’t want you to move out.”
“How can I help you?” Harlow asked. “Idon’t know how you felt about Kinky. I don’t know anything otherthan what I saw, and I don’t want you to be hurt. You’re one of mybest friends,tell mehow to fix you, how to fix this. Please.”
She hated to think of her best friendsuffering in anyway.
“You’re doing everything. Making me eat soup and just beinghere.”
Harlow knew it wasn’t enough. Hailey had itwell within her right to get rid of her, not that she wanted that.She loved living with Hailey.
“Do you want to talk about it?” sheasked.
“No, I don’t.”
“Don’t you have anything more important todo?” Harlow asked.
“No. I like being here.”
Harlow wrinkled her nose and turned backto her recent order. Hunter knew he was getting under her skin, buthe liked spending time with her. He much preferred watching her in the summer when she worethe dresses that seemed to mold to every single curve and make himache. The jeans were not helping much, nor the fitted sweater. Hethought those kinds of things were meant to be baggy, not fitted.He didn’t need for her hips to be enhanced or her tits, which werenice and large. He missed sucking on those tits.
“There’s no way you like being here.”
“And why is that?” he asked.
“You’re surrounded by cosmetics.”
“Rather sexist of you.”
Harlow glared. “Hailey is going to come back into work, andyou are going to have to leave.”