She heard footsteps and then Hailey openedthe door. She wore a pair of pajamas that were so cute as they hadsloths all over them.
“Hey,” Harlow said. “I come bearing noodle broth. It’sgood, I promise.”
“You don’t have to keep cooking.”
“I worry. I don’t know whenwas the last time you ate, andwell, everyone at the shop is hoping you get bettersoon.”
“We don’t have anyone at the shop,” Haileysaid.
“Your clients. They are looking forward totheir appointments and hope you feel better soon.”
Hailey opened the door and Harlow steppedinside. She didn’t know whatshe expected to find, but it certainly wasn’t a clean room.Hailey’s room was impeccable and without touching anything, sheknew there wasn’t a speck of dust. She also noticed the magnoliawalls, the soft pastel pink of the curtains, and the bedding. Itwas a girly, or womanly, room. There was a vanity table filled withcosmetics. She also noticed a small hair station withstraighteners, brushes, and hair products.
The closet had a single mirror on one of thedoors. The bed was also immaculate. Hailey had walked over to thewindow and sat down inside it, staring out the window.
“Theyonly miss me because they want something,” Haileysaid.
Harlow walked in with the broth. “I broughtchopsticks and a spoon.”
Hailey looked at the bowl of soup.
“Please eat something.”
This was the first time she had seen Haileysince the hotel. She saw that her friend wanted to say no, but thenshe reached out and took the bowl and the chopsticks.
Harlow didn’t know what to do so she stood,keeping her hands close to her body. Everywhere was so clean. Sheloved it.
“You like pink,” Harlow said.
“I loveit. At my old dorms in the boarding school it was always sodark. Black and dark navy, absolutely hated it. The mistresseswould come and remove any color. I always promised myself that if Igot out alive, I would have color everywhere, and I wouldn’t allowanything dark.”
“That sounds like it sucked.”
“Boarding school issupposed to suck. It’s not meant to be funor games,” Hailey said. “My parents felt like I neededit.”
“No offense, Hailey, but your parents soundlike dicks.”
Hailey burst out laughing.It was verging onhysterical but Harlow looked at her, and saw that it was indeedgenuine.
“You’re right, you are so right. My parentshated the fact I was so into beauty and I loved makeup andhair-care products. Itdrove them insane.” She shook her head. Hailey scooped up somenoodles and took a bite.
She felt a little relieved that her friendwas eating. “They’re good.”
“You like it?”
“Yeah, I like it. Have you alreadyeaten?”
“No, mine is outside on the kitchencounter.”
Hailey sighed. “I don’t want toget broth everywhere. Do youwant to eat at the table?”
“Yeah, yeah, Ido.” Harlow was more than happy with the company.She didn’t want her friend eating on her own. It didn’t seem right.“Do you want me to take your bowl?”
“I’ve got it.”
Harlow left the bedroom, walked to thecounter, and grabbed her food, along with her set of chopsticks anda spoon.
Hailey was already taking a seat at thetable, when Harlow came to join her. Neither of them spoke forseveral minutes as they just ate their food. Harlowkept looking up to make sureHailey was eating.