Big Dick rolled his eyes. “How are you not afucking virgin?”
He was on his last freaking nerve with thisfucker.
“Time, Hunter. That’s all you need. You’ve got to be therefor Harlow. Not because you want to fuck her either. You want to bearound her, enjoy her company.”
“She doesn’t want to spend any time withme,” he said.
Big Dick sighed. “You messed it up, man.Just like I did. I reacted, but I did so after you broke up withher.Only you and timecan fix this, and that’s all I’m going to say.”
Hunter watched as Big Dick made his way intothe clubhouse. He rubbed his eyes.
When it came to Harlow, he felt this pull toher. Even without the sex, he had enjoyed her company. She’d beenso refreshing.
He walked to his bike and straddledthe machine, turningover the ignition. He took off out of the clubhouse, and made hisway back into town. It was nearing lunchtime. Harlow was a littleunpredictable when it came to her breaks. Every day he made his wayinto town, and only a handful of times did she go to the diner.Otherwise, she hung out at the shop.
He stopped at the beauty parlor and therewas no sign of Harlow. Parking his bike outside the diner, hestepped inside, and sure enough, she was there at the counter.
Hunter closed the distance between them and took the seat at thecounter beside her.
“You didn’t ask if this seat was taken,”Harlow said, glaring at him.
“That’s because I don’t give a fuck if it isor not. This is my seat now.”
“You’re such an asshole,” she said,growling.
“If you move, I’ll follow.”
She blew out a breath. “I’m not moving. Youshould be the one to move, not me.”
“I’m not moving. I’m going to sit righthere.”
“Why are you being a dick?” she asked.
“Simple, I’ve got to be a dick to spendtime with you.” He looked toward her and saw her eyes were closed. Her lipswere moving. “Are you saying a little prayer?” he asked.
“If I was, then I was asking forHim to move your ass, or tosend a lightning bolt straight through you. Either woulddo.”
“Fair enough.” He waited several seconds.“There’s no lightning bolt, so I’m going to take that as a signdirectly fromHim thatHe wants me to sit beside you at lunch.”
Harlow rested her head on her hand as sheturned to look at him. Her elbow was on the counter, and shehad the cutest frown.“Were you always this big of an asshole?”
“Yes, I was, and I still am. You found itcharming and I’m going to guess you’re going to find it charmingonce again.”
Harlow shook her head but he saw the slightlift of her lips. “I don’t find you funny.”
“Right now you don’t, butthat’s okay. I can livewith that.”
The waitress came over and took theirorders. Hunter decided to have the same as Harlow.
“You’re not going to enjoy it,” Harlowsaid.
“I happen to like salad and fries.”
“Idon’t know what you’re trying to prove but it’s not goingto work.”
“Not attempting to prove anything, justwanting to have some lunch with my woman,” he said.