This was gettingto be too much. She moved around the kitchen,hating that tears were so close. She didn’t want to cry. She didn’twant to feel anything.
“You had no one. The club, you saw as mine.You were alone and because of that loneliness, you found solace ina stranger. I don’t know anything about this Hailey, all I know isthat for the past few months, it’s been hard to watch you, and toknow I fucked this up. I love you, Harlow, and I had no right tosay the shit I did. To do what I did. I felt so betrayed by Hunterand by you, that I forgot you.”
Harlow turned to look at her brother. Shecouldn’t speak.Shewaited.
“I only saw my own pain. I forgot that youhad been hurt. In one night, you had lost a man that was worthsneaking around for. I don’t know exactly what went on with you andHunter, but I know it was enough for you to … get pregnant. Youlost your baby. You lostsomething you didn’t even know you had. I’m so sorry for what I didand what I said. I don’t want to lose you.”
Seconds passed, maybe evenminutes, but Harlowwasn’t sure what to do or say. Her hands shook. The tears that shehad tried to keep at bay spilled over.
She tried to compose herself, but it didn’twork.
“Do you want a hot chocolate?” sheasked.
“Yeah, please don’t spit in it.”
Harlow burst out laughing and wiped hereyes. “I don’t spit in food or in coffee. Imight threaten to, but that’s notsomething I do. I watched Erick do it, and he was sogross.”
She poured out the two mugs and turned toBig Dick. He held his arms open, and Harlow knew she didn’t wantthis conflict between them anymore.
Stepping into his arms, he held her tightly.“I love you, squirt. Always.”
“I love you too, George.”
She hadn’t called him George in so long, butnow it felt right.
Chapter Twenty-One
“What does your sister like?” Hunter asked,and he wanted to punch himself in the face.
“I’m not going to helpyou,” Big Dick said.
He hadn’t seen Andrew around, and Harlowpretty much went to work and home. She hadn’t returned to the bar,nor did she go anywhere else. From his … stalking, he haddiscovered she also had the groceries delivered. His opportunitiesto get close to Harlow never materialized.She was never alone.
“Dude, seriously, I’m not asking for much.She has rejected all forms of flowers. She doesn’t want roses,dahlias, daisies, tulips, and a whole load of other shit I can’tthink of. The chocolatesare a waste. Jewelry gets returned. Clothing gets returned. I evendid a gift basket of makeup and do you know how much that shitcosts, and that didn’t work either.” Hunter was running out ofoptions.
Big Dick moved from beneath his bike. Hewas now freezing his balls offto try and get anything he could out of Big Dick forhelp.
“And in all the time you were with Harlow,did you use any of that stuff?” Big Dick asked.
“Then that’s your answer.”
“It was secret. I couldn’t send her flowersortrinkets.”
“Harlow doesn’t need random shit. She neverhas. It’s a waste oftime and money.” Big Dick folded up his cloth.
“Then tell me what she does need,” Hunterasked. “I wouldn’t be coming to you if I wasn’t out of options.”
Big Dick shook his head. “You know, foranintelligent guy, youare a bit of a moron.”
Hunter was not in the mood to be throwingout insults. He was aware brother and sister were now back on goodterms. If Harlow could forgive Big Dick, then he wasn’t going tolose hope.There was achance of her forgiving him and he was going to take thatchance.
“What the fuck is that supposed tomean?”
“My sister is not won over with items orstupid fucking flowers or bastard chocolates. What did you dobefore to win her?”
“I didn’t do anything.”