He held onto his cell phone and waited.When that wasn’t enough, he made his way into town, and then parkedhis bike directly infront of Hailey’s Beauty Parlor. As he did this, he couldn’tbelieve what he had become.
These were the kind of men hemocked.Giving flowerswas not part of his MO. Women could only expect to get the pleasureof his dick and nothing else.
Harlow was different. But she didn’t callto thank him, and now like a fucking pussy, he was outside thebeauty parlor hoping to catch a glimpse of her. It wasn’t hard. Thefront of the beauty parlor was covered inlarge windows, so he could see inside.
He spotted Hailey the owner, and Harlow was next to thecounter. For the ten minutes he watched, he saw her move around theshop, filling a basket with orders that she packaged. This was notthe job Harlow wanted to do. He had cost her, her dream job. Shehad quit because of him.
Hunter didn’t want to see her suffer, notnow, not ever.
He had to make things right for her.Larissa was wonderful at her job. An amazing baker and cook, butthat job was Harlow’s. He missed her, and some of her baked goodsthat hadthe veganalternative.
Still, his cell phone didn’t ring.
The flowers were there in the shop.
And Hunter lost his patience. He walkedacross the street, and then for the first time in his life, hestepped foot into the beauty shop. There were a lot of smells, allof them nice, but he only focused on Harlow.
“You got the flowers,” he said.
Harlow pushed some of her hair out of herface and nodded. “Yeah, I got the flowers. They’re pretty.”
“What?” she asked.
“Are you not going to thank me forthem?”
“Why should I?”
“It’s polite.” Now he felt like he soundedlike a prick, which was probably true.
“I didn’t ask for them. I didn’t want them.Why should I thank you for them?”
She stomped over to where the flowers were,picked them up, and then thrust them into his arms.
“I don’t need, nor do I want your flowers,Hunter. After all, I’m pretty sure when you’ve had enough, you’llgive up then.”
Hunter had never been rejected. He watchedHarlow walk awayand goback to her workstation.
“I’mnot giving up, Harlow.”
“We’ll see,” she said.
He smiled. He loved a challenge.
Overthe next couple of weeks, more flowers arrived, as didchocolates. They were vegan, but Harlow didn’t eat them. There hadeven been a special delivery from Ava’s Bakery, of her favoriteitems. She accepted them from Larissa, and even though they didsmell good, she didn’t eat them. She refused to. They were offeredto the customers. Everything else was sent back.
She didn’t accept a single item, not atwork, nor at the house.Andrew continued to come and see her, and she told him what washappening. He wanted to fight for her as well.
Harlow couldn’t accept that, so she hadcanceled plans with him as well.By the third week, and it had been a cold one,Hailey had gone to stay with her Lover Boy, and Harlow still had noidea who it was. She had the home all to herself.
After cooking her favorite pastadish,which happened tobe a vegan creamy mushroom pasta that was so good, she had settledonto the sofa with a nice mug of hot chocolate, of course vegan.She took a sip, and it was a little too hot.
The quiet of the house didn’t appeal toher. She loved the noise, so she put on a cooking show and allowed the show todrown out the quiet. Living in a large house, silence was often aluxury, but it had also become a problem for Harlow. She neededsound to drown out her own thoughts.