She sipped at her hot chocolate and wasabout to change the channel when the doorbell rang. For a fewseconds, she just sat, not exactly sure who could be at the door at this time ofnight.
She and Hailey never had any visitors, notat nighttime. Putting her mug on a coaster, she got to her feet,and walked toward the door. She checked through the peephole andwas surprised to seebrother Jude.
Opening the door, she folded her arms.“What’s the matter? Is everything okay?”
“Wow, is this how you open the door on yourbig brother? Why would there be something wrong?”
“You’ve come to my home?” Harlow asked.“FYI, you never turn up here. I think, other than to help me move, you have never beenhere.”
“True, but I’ve come to see how my little sister is gettingon.”
“This was a surprise. “Well, since you’rehere, come on in. Do you want a drink?” Harlow asked.
Jude stepped through the door and nodded.“Yeah, I’ll have what you’re having.”
“I’m drinking a hot chocolate.”
“I’ll have one of those.”
She frowned. “You don’t like hotchocolate.”
“I am adapting and evolving.”
Something didn’t sit right with her.
Going into the living room, she grabbed her cup and drankthe final hot chocolate. Turning off the television, she made herway into the kitchen with Jude following behind her.
“Is everything okay withMom and Dad?”
“Yeah, they’re all fine.There’s nothing to worryabout. Trust me. They’re all good.” Jude leaned against thedoorframe. Harlow washed her cup, and then grabbed a saucepan andfilled it with two mugs of milk.
“Where is he?” Harlow asked.
“Where is who?”
“Big Dick.”
“I don’t know who that is.”
Harlow spun toward her brother andwalked up to him.Patting down his body, he tried to pull away and in the process, heheld onto his cell phone and she saw it was on call with BigDick.
Grabbing the cell off him, she put it to herear. “What are you doing?”
“Harlow, what a surprise—”
“Cut the crap. You sent Jude to see me.Why?” She frowned, pressing her clenched fist to her forehead. “Youknow what, cut the crap. I refuse to have this conversation withyou over the phone.” She hung up and tossed the cell back to Jude.“You can leave.”
“Do Inot get a hot chocolate?” he asked.
“Why did you agree to come here?” She puther hands on her hips and glared at him. “Why?”
“We all care about you.”
“That is not a good enough answer and youknow it.”
“Don’t Harlow me. The only reasonyou’ve come here isbecause Big Dick asked you to, otherwise, you don’t really give ashit at all, so why now?”