“I have no idea but you shouldn’t bewith that asshole.”
“It’s none of your business whoI’m with, Hunter. Backthe fuck off.”
He wanted to say more but then Andrew cameback into the diner. Hunter was hoping he would have a black eye ora bleedingnose, butinstead he sat down, looking composed. Big Dick entered the dinerand went back to the booth.
Hunter didn’t like this and it wasn’t how hehoped the evening would go. He sat down and looked at Big Dick.
“What did you do?” Hunter asked.
Brick had already gone back to his food. Theman could eat through everything.
“I gave him a warning. It’s all I could do.”
“All you could do? She’s your sister and hethinks he can just date your sister?” Hunter didn’t like this. Hewas already plotting to takeout the little fucker.
“Andrew’s a nice guy. He has always been anice guy.Even though hedidn’t have to, he’d babysit and keep an eye on Harlow. He’s a goodguy and I’m not going to take that away from my sister. I’vealready cost myself so much by not fucking thinking.”
Hunter didn’t like this. Without anotherword, he got to his feet and left the diner. He couldn’t watch herwith someone else. Flashing through his mind were the memories ofher laughing with him, enjoying him, being totally with him.He missed that. Running a handdown his face, he tried to bring back some focus. That was allover. He ended that because he had to, not because he wanted to.Spinning around, he looked back into the diner and he watched her.He only saw the perfection of her back.
Harlow had been his.To protect the club, and his relationshipwith Big Dick, he ended it before it got too crazy. It hadn’tworked because the Twisted Bastards MC had interfered. Now therewas no going back. Only forward.
He needed to let go.To allow Harlow to move on. He had nochoice.
Chapter Nineteen
A FewWeeks Later
Andrew was a sweet guy. There was no doubtabout it. Harlow loved being around him, and he was so nice. He wasalways there at the beauty parlor in the morning with coffee,exactly how she liked it.Sometimes he’d bring a sweet treat with him. Other timesnot. He was also there at night, when the shop closed. He’d broughtErin with him a couple of times.
Her birthday had come and gone, and shehad loved the gift he’d gotten her. Much to her surprise, Alan, Erin’s father, had alsobeen grateful. Alan had stopped by the shop and organized amakeover for his little girl, which was a dream come true for her.He also asked Harlow to take care of her when Erin washere.
She had no doubt Hailey would take care ofthe little girl. They all adored her.Glancing over at Hailey, she saw the other womanwas very happy. From what information she’d been able to obtainfrom her, the man she was seeing was quite the catch. Secretive,which apparently Hailey liked.
Harlow knew how damaging secret lovers couldbe, and she didn’t exactly have high hopes for her friend. In fact,the complete opposite. She was a little afraid for her. Not a goodfeeling to have.
“IsLover Boy coming to pick you up?” Hailey asked.
“He’s notLover Boy, and yes, he is coming to pick me up.We’re going strawberry picking later.”
Hailey had already told her thatsince there were no clients,she wanted to close shop as she had a date. Harlow was going tohead home and just relax, but Andrew had asked if she would like togo strawberry picking, and she didn’t have a good enough reason notto. She also didn’t want to be home alone thinking about …him.Harlow had been very clear withAndrew, that she cared for him as a friend, and that was all itwas. They hadn’t crossed any lines. No kissing, not even holdinghands. She hadn’t lied to him. She was still feeling the loss ofHunter, not that he knew who she was missing, and she hoped to keepit that way.
“Speaking of Lover Boy, when are you goingto tell me about yours?” Harlow asked. “You’re the one keepingsecrets.”
Hailey’s face went a beautiful shade ofred. “I don’t know, he’sincredibly vague. Every time I go to see him, I think I’m going toput my foot down and be firm, and he’s going to tell me why we’rebeing so secret, but then I’m with him, and being around others andother people knowing, I don’t mind it.” She started to smile, butit was the kind of smile that stretched across her whole face, andgave her a beautiful glow. “I know. I know, it makes me a doormat.I should give him an ultimatum.”
“No, Hailey. You don’t have to do anythingyou don’t want. If you like keeping it secret just between the twoof you, then go for it. Trust me, when other people find out, itturns into one giant mess.”
She couldn’t help but think about her andBig Dick. It had turned into one big messand because of it, she had lost her brother. Theonly problem was she didn’t regret being with Hunter, notcompletely. The aftermath, the heartache, and thepain—she wished thathad never happened. She wished she’d been able to be with Hunterwithout the feelings of love. Without wanting him. That would havemade her life so much easier, for them both.
Hailey clapped her hands. “Thank you.”
Before she knew what was happening, armswere thrown around her neck and she was pulled in for a hug.
“I am loving what we’re doing. I’m kind ofexcited about all thesneaking around.” Hailey giggled. “It is so muchfun!”
Harlow hugged her friendback. She wasn’t goingto warn her that if it went the wrong way, heartache waited. She’dleave that for now and focus on hugging her friend.
They finished their day of work, which forHailey included an appointment that consisted of a tutorial formakeup application. Harlow gathered up the latest batch of onlineorders, sealed, and got them ready to ship. Once that was done,Hailey wasted no time in closing the shop.