Andrew hadn’t arrived, and Harlow pulledout her cell phone to see if he had changed theirplans.

“Hello, stranger.”

She looked up to see Larissa walking towardher. “Hi.”

Harlow was pulled into the other woman’sarms, quite tightly as well.Larissa had been trying to text her. So had Abriana, Raven,and Ava, but the texts, even the phone calls had all been too muchat the time. She hadn’t texted or called them back, and she knewthat was wrong.

“How are you?” She hadn’t seen much ofLarissa since she started to work for Hailey. Working for Ava was adream, and she hoped Larissa was having as much fun as Harlow did when she worked forthe other woman.

“I’m fine. I’m doing good.It’s a half day todayfor Ava. She wanted me to have a break. It’s getting close with herpregnancy, and she wants me to have somemetime.” Larissa gave her a smile. “What are youdoing?”

“I’m actually waiting for someone,” Harlowsaid. “We’re supposed to gostrawberry picking.”

“Oh, that sounds like so much fun. Can I tagalong?” Larissa asked.

Andrew chose that moment to turn up. Harlow looked at himwith a smile.

“I’msorry I’m late. Dad insisted on telling me this fishingstory that he told me a gazillion times, but if I don’t let himfinish, it just keeps going over and over, and trust me, it’sbetter to let him finish the tale than stop him.” Andrew lookedfrom her to Larissa. “Have you made other plans?”

“Actually, no, Larissa has asked to join usin our strawberry picking.”


“I’m Larissa,” she said.


The two shook hands and Harlow couldn’thelp but wonder if there was a potential spark betweenthe two of them. Ifthere was something for her to work with, then she would be happyto play matchmaker. Andrew was a sweet guy, she liked him a lot,but she didn’t want to lead him on unnecessarily. She always hatedin books and movies, when the main heroine had a thing for anotherguy, and there was some nasty breakup, and she’d move onto saidgreat guy. Harlow hated that.

Until she was over Hunter, she refused toget another man involved.

“Do you mind?” Harlow asked.

“No, I don’t mind at all.” Andrewplaced his hands at thebase of their backs. “I get the company of two beautiful women.There’s nothing not to like about this.”

Harlow smiled, but it didn’t quite reach hereyes.

Thestrawberry-picking farm was not far from town. The farmerliked to do this every summer. Harlow didn’t always go strawberrypicking, as for the past couple of years, she’d been busy at thebakery.

They all arrived at the strawberryfarm, and the rules were youcould pick your own strawberries, and then they were weighed, theprice calculated, and you paid for them.

Harlow was hoping to make some lovelystrawberry jam for her and Hailey. The shop-bought stuff was nice, but she had gottenused to homemade. Working with Ava, there was always homemadestrawberry jam in the desserts. There was no room for compromise,and Harlow wasn’t about to start now. It would be her treat toHailey.

She had also started to teach Hailey howto cook. It hadn’t taken long to realize that her friend was thefreezer-to-oven kind ofcook. Harlow believed everyone should have the ability to cook andfend for themselves. She loved to cook. It helped to soothe hersoul, especially now.

Harlow held her little basket and bent down,taking the plump fruits. She was also thinking of making some icecream, using vegan alternatives.

Larissa was asking Andrew a bunch ofquestions, as was Andrewto Larissa. The two of them were hitting it off, and Harlowfelt a warmth from seeing the couple. Several times, she was surethey had forgotten that she had come along for the ride, not thatshe minded. Seeing the two of them together, talking and gettingalong felt right.

By the end of the day, they all had plentyof strawberries as they made their way out of the farm and headedback to town. Their first stop was Larissa, who lived with herdad.

“Thank you so much for today. I loved everysecond of it. It was amazing.” She hugged her, and then Andrew.

“I’ll see you later,” Harlow said.

“Yes, and don’t be a stranger.”

Larissa walked into the house and HarlowturnedtowardAndrew.