“It is kind of freaky rightnow. I feel like I’mactually talking to Erin.”

Shechuckled. “Your niece has taught me a lot.”

“She really is something.”

Harlow agreed. “I guess she would have to beif she helped to tame your brother.”

“Yeah, she did. He is devoted tothatlittlegirl.”

There was silence and Harlow looked atAndrew as he stared at the shelves. She already had a lot ofproducts in the basket.

“You know, Erin doesn’t talk about hermother awhole lot,”Harlow said.

“Her mother’s not around.”

“She’s not?”

“No. When Erin wasabout three years old, she took off. LeftAlan to raise her. She never looked back and has never been intouch.”

“Oh, wow.”

“See what I mean, Erin changed my brothercompletely. He works hardand he’s built a life for the two of them. My parents helpas well. We all adore Erin. She’s a little firecracker.”

“Where does your brother work?” Harlowasked.

She never kept up to date with Big Dick’sfriends, not after he joined the Hell’s Bastards MC.

“He works at the sewage place. It pays himwell, and he’s able to be home for Erin.”

Harlow nodded. “I better ring this up foryou. I should warn you, makeup is expensive.”

She moved toward the register and began toring everything up. Hailey had insisted on doing her nails, andHarlow was quite liking the manicure on her fingers. It made herfeel feminine and delicate, a rather nice combination.

Ringing up the bill, Harlow winced at theprice.

“Just tell me.”

She gave him a figure and he groaned.

“You know what, to see her face light up,I’ll do it,” Andrew said.

Harlow packaged everything up for him, inone of Hailey’s special designed boxes she’d been working on. Once everything was nicelywrapped, she handed him his change.

“Thank you for stopping by. Erin is going tolove everything, I promise.”

“Would you like to go out with me?” Andrewasked.

Harlow was so taken aback by the questionthat she didn’t respond at first. She looked at him.

“I know it’s been years since we last hung out and I’m sorryfor blurting this out of the blue, but … if you would like to goout some time…”

“She would love to,” Hailey said. “In fact,she’s not doing anythingFriday night. I can vouch for that seeing as I am her bestfriend.”

Harlow was going to kill her boss. Maybe notkill, because she wanted a job and a house, and killing herwouldn’t accomplish anything. Forcing a smile to her lips, shelooked at Andrew.

“I … ugh, I don’t know.”

“Just for drinks and maybe some food?”Andrew asked.