“I read a lot and I watch a lot. Trust me,I am an expert of romance and that guy wants to see you again.”
“Okay, okay, just to be clear. You’rebasing your thoughts and your opinions on what you sawin movies?”
Hailey rolled her eyes. “When you say itlike that, it does sound bad, but it’s not bad, and you’re not seeing thepoint.”
“The point being?” she asked.
“He wants to have some fun with you and Ibet, if you really think about it, you wantto have fun with him.”
Harlow shook her head.
“This could be what you need,” Hailey said.“You know, to get over … him.”
It was like he suddenly appeared. Harlowlooked past Hailey’s shoulder, and sure enough, there wasHunter.
She hadn’t seen him in a while, not thatshe had been trying tolook. All she’d been trying to do was get through every single daywithout regret. He was making it hard for her to dothat.
“I’m hungry,” Harlow said. She wanted somefood and to get as far away from Hunter as possible.
“You know what I say is the truth,” Haileysaid. “And I do speak a lot of logic.”
She wasn’t going to dispute her, but shedidn’t think going on a date with anyone would be the logical thingto do, when she was still fighting her feelings for Hunter. He hadbroken her heart and she had to remember that.
Chapter Eighteen
Harlow made her way into the shop thefollowing week, carrying her friend’s burger and fries order, whileshe carried a large order of fries, and she had also opted forbread. Shehadn’t beeneating a lot the past few months, and the clothes she wore werestarting to look a little large on her, which she didn’tlike.
Food hadn’t exactly been a priority. Shehated eating and if she caught sight of Hunter, he had the abilitytomake her lose herappetite. Heartache seemed to be a good weight loss diet so far,but not one she was enjoying.
“Here she is!”
Hearing Hailey’s chipper voice put her onguard and as she turned around, she saw why. Andrew Lowe was in theshop.
“Hi,” he said.
“Er, hi.” This was new. One of the reasonsshe loved the beauty parlor was because men didn’t step foot in it.Not one. It was a safe haven.
“Are you wanting a makeover?” she asked alittle confused.
“No, er, actually, it’s my niece’s birthday and seeing as she’snearly ten years old, she is all into makeup. She wants to come andget a makeover here, but my brother forbids it. He does allow herto have makeup, and I asked her what she wanted, and well, shewants the products you sell. You might have seen her. She’s alwayslooking into the shop.”
Harlow handed the food to Hailey and thenput her hands on herhips. “You’re talking about Erin?”
“Yes, Erin Lowe, she’s my niece.”
“I love Erin,” Hailey said. “We have her inthe shop all the time. Shewants to work for me, and pass her qualifications inbeauty. She’s a sweet kid.”
“She didn’t say that she comes into the shopall the time,” Andrew said.
Harlow chuckled. “Why wouldshe, if she’s notallowed in here? So, you’re wanting to get her a birthdaygift?”
“If it’s not too much trouble.”
Harlow grabbed a small basket. “For Erin,it’s no trouble at all.She is always helping me with orders and pointing at the products Ineed to remember. I happen to know a few of her favorites, if youwould like me to show you?” she asked.
“Yeah, totally, yes.”
She glanced over at Hailey who pressed herhands together and started to give silent air kisses. Shaking herhead, she took him over to the products, and talked him througheach one.