“I’m not getting involved in anything to dowith Big Dick and his sister. You were the onewho fucked that up, and now you’re lookingfor excuses to get on his good side.”
“This is not about gettingon his good side,” hesaid.”
Brick raised a brow as he ate hisburger.
“Seriously, I’m not.”
“How are you going to make it up toBig Dick? With the Twistedmaking their move, it’s only a matter of time.”
“Twisted are not making a move. They’rebeing fucking cowards with the shit they’re doing, but it’s not making a move.” Hunterfinished his burger, even though he had long lost his appetite.“Shit will die down. Harlow will move on, and then none of thisshit is going to matter.”
Brick finished his burger andtossedthe wrapper intothe trash. “First of all, I agree with you. Twisted Bastards areacting fucking cowardly. Second, you’re full of fucking shit if youthink this is going to die down. You fucked Big Dick’s sister. Youbroke up with her. She got run off the road and lost the baby. Yourbaby. Has that not dawned on you yet?”
Hunter glared at him.
“IfHarlow hadn’t been in that accident, then she would havegotten bigger. That baby would have survived. She would have achild with you. You would be a father.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Hunter said.
Brick threw his arms up in the air. “Youand Smokey, you’re a lot alike. Do you know that? Fuck me, I am starving. I’m havinganother burger. Do you want one?”
He had lost his appetite.
Brick shrugged and then left him alone.
Hunter looked toward the beauty parlor. Hedidn’t like this. Hefound it awfully convenient that the beauty parlor had set up intown, and now Harlow was working there. No one knew anything aboutthe owner. Hunter didn’t like where his suspicions wereleading.
Raven stepped out of the bakery, drawinghis attention as the doorbellrang it’s musical tune.
“If you keep looking over there, people aregoing to start thinking you care.”
“Fuck off, Raven.”
Raven laughed, but it was a forcedsound.
“What do you know about the beauty parlor?”he asked.
“Harlow works there and from what I’ve seen,she looks happy. Don’t do it, Hunter.”
“You don’t tell me what to do.”
He walked away from Raven just as Harlowand the owner of the beauty parlorstepped out. They were locking the doors. Big Dickwasn’t around. The club would tell if anything happened, but heneeded to talk to Harlow. Raven didn’t try to stop him.
He didn’t give a shit what they said or did,he had to talk to Harlow. She needed to be careful. Her associationwith the club had gotten her attacked. There could be somethingwrong with this woman she now worked for.
“I’m super excited abouttonight. Should I pickyou up? Should I meet you there?” the boss asked.
Harlow had seen him approaching. “Howabout I meetyouthere?”
“Where?” Hunter asked.
The owner of the parlor let out a littlesqueal and then spun around. “Wow, you scared me.” She let out ajoke.
Hunter wasn’t impressed. Thewoman was laughing butHarlow didn’t even look at his face. Her gaze was on hischest.
“What is happening later?” Hunter asked.