“None of your concern,” Harlow said.

The other woman looked between the two ofthem, and then laughed.It was a forced sound, and clearly she wasn’t used tohostility.

“Hi, I’m Hailey,” she said, offering herhand.

Hunter stared at it, but didn’t acceptit.

Seconds passed and then Hailey pulled herhand away. “I guess introductions are not the same here.” She letout a little chuckle but now it was verging on hysterical.

He didn’t give a fuckabout making her feelcomfortable.

“This is Hunter,” Harlow said.“He’s the VP of theclub.”

“The VP?” Hailey asked.

“Thevice president.”

“Oh,” Hailey said.

“Talking about club business?” Hunter asked,not exactly happy with it.

“No, just talking about my mistakes, so sheknows of my past with the club. Some people don’t like othersassociated with a club. You get my drift.” She had her arms folded across her body, and shelooked like she was trying to ward off the cold.

Hunter didn’t like the feeling that sweptover him. He wanted to pull her into his arms, to tell her it wasgoing to be okay. He wanted to warm her up, but he knew shewouldhate that. Shedidn’t want his touch. He shouldn’t want this either. Hunter hadcalled time on this shit.

“Nice to meet you,” Hailey said.

Harlow didn’t say a word, she turned on herheel and walked away. He didn’t stop her from leaving, justwatched.

She could cut him off, hate him, and hewould accept it, but there was no way hewould let her get hurt. He didn’t trust thisHailey, and he was going to get to the bottom of why she had turnedup in Fort Clover.

Chapter Fifteen

“I have never been to this place,” Hailey said. She pulled the carup to the already busy parking lot.

Harlow thought she could come back herebut right now, seeingwhat used to be known as Ryan’s Place—it was still Ryan’sPlace, but he didn’t run it anymore—had bad memories connected toit. Someone had been watching her and Hunter. Someone had filmedthe two of them, and then sent that information to Big Dick. Shedidn’t know who did it, and that was what she found mostaggravating. Big Dick wasn’t any closer to knowing the trutheither.

“Are you okay? Would you rather have a girlynight in?” Hailey asked.

“Sorry, it’s just … no, it’s fine. Ofcourse it’sfine.”

“I have no idea what you’re talkingabout.”Hailey reachedout and took her hand. “You can tell me. Talk to me.”

Harlow offered the other woman a smile.“Thanks.”

“This is what friends are for, right? To beable to talk to each other. Offer them a shoulder to cry on, andtalk about their troubles.”

She didn’t know what to say. Hailey was sucha nice person.

“What’s it going to be?” Hailey asked. “I’ve got cold pizza inmy freezer. I don’t have any wine or tequila. I don’t drink, youknow, much in the way of alcohol. But I have soda and there’s tea,coffee, and I do love a hot chocolate.”

Harlow chuckled. “It’s fine. I promisedyou a girls’ night withdancing. That is exactly what you and I are going to have. A girls’night.”

She forced herself to push the door openand step out into the cold night.They were nearing spring but it was still coldout. Harlow had dressed in a pair of jeans and a tight top thatmolded to her curves. The ink on her arms was exposed. She wascurrently saving for the ink she wanted down either of her sidesand across her back.

The landlord hadn’t paid back anymore of her money, but she wasable to start living. Besides saving for more ink, she intended tobuy a new wardrobe as well. Her clothes were looking a little worsefor wear. Like tonight, she would have loved to wear a dress, notthat she would admit it to anyone.

She pushed some of the hair off her face, as she had left itdown. Hailey had curled it during the last hour of work, and sherather liked it.