“Your brotherwill want to know who the father is,” Huntersaid.
“There is no father of anything. You don’texist to me, now, get the fuck out of my room. Get out of my life.I will not say a word. Thiswas between us, remains a secret, and I will take it to myfucking grave.”
She didn’t want anyone else to know whathad happened. Her brother wanted to know who the father was, but itdidn’t matter. There was no baby. There was no future. Even thoughshe would have loved to see Hunter with a black eye, orhurting,at the sametime she didn’t want to see him hurt. Harlow felt so fucking weak.She loved him.
Hunter stayed for a few seconds,andthe pain was justgetting to be too much.
It was over. Hunter had made hischoice. That was the club,other women. Not her.
He spun on his heel and left. Harlow didn’tcall him back.
She had hoped he would fall in love withher, that he’d bewilling to face off against her brother, and they could bothfinally be together.
It was nothing more than adream, one that wouldnever come true.
Hunter didn’t want it.
She did.
They were over.
This was over.
And it hurt harder than she ever thoughtitwould.
Chapter Twelve
“What do we know?” Smokey asked.
“Harlow went out of town. She said she needed a drive and endedup at this picnic place. It has a car park, and you know the drill.That is here,” Raven said, pointing her finger on themap.
Hunter listened to them talking about whathappened a couple of nights ago, and he remained silent.He was the reason Harlow neededa drive. Making that phone call had been a long time in coming. Itwas a call he had put off for several days, if not weeks. The truthwas, he and Harlow should never have happened.
She’d been a temptation heshould have deniedhimself. Now, she had lost the baby. A baby he had known was a riskin the first place. Not once had he used a condom. He had loved thefeel of her tight warmth wrapped around him. Running a hand downhis face, he listened.
“The security cameras are all adud,”Big Dick said.“All we have is Harlow heading out of town, and then she never getsback.”
“And according to her, she was attackedhere. The car sped up, and as she tried to press on the gas, shewasn’t fast enough. They budged her,multiple times. She didn’t count how many times,and trust me, there was a bit of sarcasm when I asked. Between theice and the speed, when they clipped her just right, Harlow saidshe lost control and that’s when she started to swerve and the carflipped down the embankment,” Raven finished.
“How did Jonah find her?”
“The lights,” Big Dick said.“Harlow hadn’t turned out thelights and her engine had still been running. Jonah was taking itslow and he saw the glare against a tree. He figured the ice hadbeen a problem, and when he saw the state of the car, he tried tocall you, Smokey.”
“But I was in the main club with my woman.My cell and the office phone were not heard over the music.”
“Which is when Jude arrived,” Big Dick said.“To let me know what happened and that someone had purposefullyswiped my sister off the road.”
“Does she have any enemies?” Smokeyasked.
“Someone from her past? What about theboyfriend?”
Hunter hated this.
“No, and no,” Big Dick said. “We all know who didthis.”
“I need to make sure we’re not clutching at straws,” Smokeysaid.