“Are you afraid?”
Smokey threw his chair back. “Whatthe fuck did you just say tome?”
“Has the Twisted finally fucking freakedyou out? Are you too scared to deal with the fucked-upshit?”
This time, Hunter got involved and grabbedBig Dick, holding himback. It was a struggle. Raven, Kinky, and Brick were also there,and they held Big Dick back.
“I don’t know who the fuck you think youare,” Smokey said. “But I’m not afraid of anything. I wantto make sure we have our basescovered. Twisted have no fucking reason to attack your sister. Sheworks for Ava, that’s all. No fucking reason at all. I want to makesure we look in all the right places, because if we mess this up,she will still be at risk. I’m not going to have anyone attackingyour sister while we’re looking elsewhere. Got it?”
Big Dick took a deep breath, but Hunter feltthe fight leave him.
“You’re right. You can all let me go.”
They did and Big Dick nodded his head andlooked at Smokey. “I’msorry.”
“I get it. Someone attackedyour sister. That’s a lot ofshit to take in. We all get it. We need to know if she has anyenemies.”
“None,” Big Dick said. “Unless they’recustomer-related.”
“Ava has already told me thatshe’s no problem. Acouple of people who are assholes, but that comes with theterritory,” Smokey said. “No past boyfriends. No evil bestfriends.”
“Harlow never had best friends,” Big Dicksaid.
There was silence at his admission.
Hunter looked toward Big Dick, and hefound that hard tobelieve. Harlow was so outgoing. So happy. So sweet.
“What?” Big Dick asked.
“You’re trying to tell us that Harlow has nofriends?” Raven asked.
“Other than Ava, Abriana, Larissa, andsometimes you, no, shedoesn’t. Harlow doesn’t mingle well.” Big Dick shrugged.
“You’ve got to be making that shit up,”Smokey said.
“No, I’m not. Why do you think shestruggled to keep a job?People don’t like Harlow. She has never been able to make friends.Trust me when I say she accepts that. She gets it. It’s why she’snever disappointed when an invite doesn’t come, or the fact shespends a lot of time alone. Our parents have tried to help, but itnever happened. Years ago, I can’t remember how old Harlow was,maybe eight or even ten, there was supposed to be a party. Shecould have been ten, because it was supposed to be a big deal, anddouble digits is a big deal. Mom sent out the invitations, gotHarlow all excited. The house was fully decorated, and the timecame. No one showed up. The hours ticked by, and Mom made theexcuse that she must have forgotten the invites. I found Harlow ina fucking tree house, pretending not to cry.”
Okay, Hunter didn’t need to hear this kindof shit.
“Harlow has no enemies because other thanme and this club, and sometimes our parents, who she doesn’t always get along with, shehas no one.”
There was silence and Hunter didn’t think itwas possible for him to feel any fucking worse than he alreadyfelt, but he was clearly wrong. He did feel worse.
“Then we’re back tothe Twisted Bastards MC,” Smokey said.“They’re making their presence known.”
“No, they’re playing ghosts,” Raven said.“Whichmeans they’regetting around town.”
Smokey agreed.
Hunter didn’t like this.
“I need you to go and talk to everyone. Weneed to know if they’veseen strangers lurking. Men watching the bakery. Evenwomen.”
They all stopped as suddenly Elijahstormed into the room. “There’s been an attack on The Shack.
Hunter was already heading out the door.The Shack was the place they owned where they filmed their porn. Several men and womenworked for them, and they made a pretty good living fromfucking.
Raven hated having to monitor The Shack.Hunter used to like it, but being behind the scenes and watching women lube up to make sexeasier had lost its appeal fast. Heading out to his bike, hestraddled the engine and turned over the ignition as Smokey madehis way out of the clubhouse. Big Dick was there as was UglyBeast.