“You want to taste this cock?” he asked.
She nodded her head and he could get used toher flush cheeks. So fucking innocent.
And all mine.Only for now.
He had no intention of keeping Harlow, buthe was going to enjoyevery fucking second of being alone with her.
“Onyour knees,” he said.
He saw the slight twitch of her lips andhe knew he had pissed her off with his commands, but he likedgivingthem. She placedher hands on his knees, and he reached out, gripping the back ofher neck as well as the base of his cock.
“Show me your tongue,” he said.
Slowly, she slid her tongue from betweenher lips, showing it to him, and he groaned. This woman was goingto be the fucking death of him. Her innocence shouldn’t be aturn-on. He was a grownman, and he wanted experienced women, but Harlow pushed all theright buttons for him.
Holding the base of his cock, he staredinto her eyes. She was so fuckingbeautiful. Big Dick was a fucking asshole for notlocking her up and throwing away the key.
Hunter knew he had already crossed thatlineand there was nogoing back. All he could hope for was Big Dick never finding out.This was fun, nothing more, nothing less. Harlow needed to be awareof that.
“Lick the tip,” he said.
She moved in closer and he couldn’t lookaway, not even as hertongue flicked across the tip of his cock. He gritted his teeth andtried not to say or do anything. He tried not to fucking move, butthe feel of her tongue just across the tip of his dick was amazing.Over the years, he had done a lot of shit. There was nothing hehadn’t tried, but none of it even compared to the feel of her sweettongue gliding across his length.
“Lick it,” he said.
Harlow glided her sweet tongue across hiscock, going down that thick vein and then back up, circling thetip. Shegot his cocknice and wet.
“Now,” he said, gaining her attention. “Putyour mouth around me and suck me.”
She flicked her tongue across her bottom lip, and then heruntutored mouth went over his length, and he was in heaven. Shefelt so fucking good. Harlow only took the tip and he couldn’tbring himself to look away. The way his length made her cheekshollow out was driving him wild with need.
“More, take more.”
Inch by inch, she sunk down on his lengthand he felt the back of her throat as her nose teased the hairssurrounding his dick.
Gritting his teeth, he knew he was closeto blowing his load in the back of her throat, buthe held himself in check,counting to ten, trying to think of a million different things thatwould stop him coming.
He wrapped her hair around his wrist andbegan to guide her over his length. Up and down, he showed herexactly what he would like. When she used too much of her teeth, hetold her not to. Harlow was the perfect fucking student, and itwasn’t long beforeshewas sucking his cock like a pro.
Hunter knew he couldn’t take it anymoreand he pulled the hairhe had around his wrist, and took her off his cock.
She didn’t getthe chance to say another word as he pulled heracross his lap. He needed to be balls-deep inside her, and liningher up, he put the tip of his cock to her entrance and then got herto slide down the whole of his length. Her pussy was so tight. Sohot. He couldn’t think.
With several inches of his length insideher, he let go of his cock, grabbed her hips, and then pulled herdown. They both cried out.
Harlow put her hands on his shoulders.“Fuck, that feels good.”
“It’s about to feel a whole lot better,” he said.
With his hands on her hips, he worked her upand down his length, making her take more of him. He didn’t let herup. He loved the way her tits bounced and the feel of her bodyagainst him. She was everything.
He was so close to filling her up, and hedidn’t care. There was no way he was ever going to use a condomwith her.She felt waytoo good wrapped around his cock.
You’re going to keep her.
Hunter cut that thought from his mindbecause there was nowayhe could do that. There was always going to be a time limit withHarlow, and it had already started.