“Look at me,” he said.
She lifted herhead, staring into his eyes. Those gorgeous browndepths were hypnotizing him.
He slammed her down on his length, staringinto her eyes as he came. Hunter had never looked into a woman’seyes as he came, but as he did to Harlow, he knew he was gettinglost.
“There’s something different about you,” BigDick said.
Harlow looked toward her brother and shothim a glare.“What?”
“I don’t know what it is and I can’t quiteput my finger on it, but you seem different.”
She was tempted to look across theclubhouse roomto Hunterwho she knew was there. The moment he entered the club, she’d beenaware of him. Big Dick had called her that afternoon and asked herto pick up a few things for him. She was tempted to tell him tofuck off, but he was still her brother and she loved him. They wereboth the social outcasts of the family.
Big Dick didn’t give a shit, andoften turned up at theirparents’ house uninvited, and their mom still welcomed him, but itwas all fake. At least it was to Harlow. She rolled hereyes.
Her brother nudged her shoulder. “I knowwhat it is.” He clicked his fingers. “You’re getting older. You’regoing to be an old lady one day.”
“You’re an asshole. You knowthat, right?”
Big Dick was still snorting.
“Your birthday,” Raven said, suddenlyappearing out of thin air. “You know what that means, don’tyou?”
It wasn’t long before Abriana wasalsothere and Ava,along with a couple of the club pussy as well. Larissa also chosethat moment to step out of the bathroom.
Harlow looked between all the women. Shealso noticed the men paying attention as well. She didn’t know whatexactly was happening right now so she looked at Raven, then at BigDick.
There was a smirk on her face as if sheknew something everyone else didn’t. Harlow didn’tknow what the hell was goingon. The temptation to look toward Hunter was so high, but she keptherself in check.
They had been fucking for about a weeknow. She never went home, but instead, walked in the direction ofher apartment building, where Hunter would pick her up. They wouldgo to his place, and he’d feed her and then fuck her. They nevermade love, not that she was interested in that.Hunter was an animal. There was no otherword to describe him. He knew exactly what he wanted and he didn’tstop until all his needs were met. She loved the feel of his cock.The only problem was, she hadn’t been able to make a doctor’sappointment, nor had she gotten to a pharmacy, so they were at riskevery single time.
“Hell, no,” Big Dick said.
“What?” Harlow asked, looking from herbrother to Raven.
She was even more surprised when Raven threwher arm across her shoulders and pulled her in close.
“I have no idea what is happening rightnow,” Harlow said.
“It’s only fair that when you turn twenty-one, you have amassive blow out. I think an all-out girls’ night,” Raven said.“What do you ladies think?”
There was a chorus of cheers. Harlow glanced around the room andshe couldn’t help but recall several times when no one showed upfor her birthday. She was also not given an invite to anyone else’sbirthday party either.
Cutting off those memories, she glancedaround at the people who were cheering. She did consider Raven,Ava, Abriana, and Larissa her friends. They always seemed to bethere, where a lot of people failed her.
“You can have it at the club,” Big Dicksaid.
Raven shook her head. “Not happening.You’re not going to ruinher twenty-first birthday. This is a party, and I’m going to takeher out.”
“Does Carlos know about this?”
“Carlos doesn’t have a problem with mecelebrating my girl’s birthday. What do you say, Harlow? Do youwant a night to remember?”
She had hoped for Hunter to be her presentso she got a chance to unwrap him, but she also didn’t want to turndown the opportunity to be with Raven and the girls.
A girls’ night. They were so sparing, and with Raven, Ava, andAbriana all being mothers, they rarely wanted to spend time awayfrom their children.