“I’m not yours.”

“Harlow, the moment you agreed to be mine,you were mine.”

“And when you ended it, that was the momentI stopped being yours!”She had turned her full body toward him to glare at him,but now she spun back around and faced the main bar of thediner.

She looked so sexy when she was angry.

“Have you ever heard of people makingmistakes?” heasked.

She snorted. “Is this what you’re going toclaim now? You made a mistake?”

“Yeah, I made a mistake.”

Once again, she made a weird sound with hernose, like a snort.

“You don’t think I know how to fuck shitup?”

“No, what I think is you had your fun andthen you got bored. That is what I think, and you’re not going toconvince meotherwise.”

He was silent as the waitress brought overhis food. She kept giving him the eye and it didn’t matter how manytimes he rejected that woman, shekept coming back for more.

“You’ve got plenty of offers for yourself,Hunter. I’ve seen the way the other women look at you. It wouldn’tbe hard to find someone new,” Harlow said.

He noticed how she stabbed at the plate.Hunter couldn’t help but watch her. He was already aware of exactlyhow easy it would be to find another woman. With a snap of hisfingers and the promise of a good time, several women within thediner would come calling. There were even married women whowouldwait until theirhusbands weren’t around and then go to him.

“None of them are you.”

Harlow frowned. “You know, I was prettysure I heard a rumorthat you have a thing for married women, don’tyou?”

Now he knew without saying a word he wasentering dangerous territory.

“Is that what this is about? You’ve seen mearound town with Andrew, and now you want me again?”


“That’s it, isn’t it? It’s becauseI’mtaken, or atleast you think I am.” She threw her head back laughing. “Ah, yousee, it all makes sense now.”

“It’s not because of that, Harlow.”

“Yeah, I don’t believe you.”

“You can believe what you want to believe,but it’s not because of that weak fuck that I’m interested.”

“Eat your food, Hunter, I’m notinterested.”

She was being so stubborn. He was used tobeing around men who were equally as stubborn, but this one had totake the cake on stubbornness.

Before he could say anything more, shecalled the waitress over and asked if she could have it packaged totake away. The waitress didn’t help him one bit, as sheagreed, and it didn’ttake long before her food was packaged and ready to go. Harlow hadalready settled her bill as well.

He didn’t want to waste food, but hewasn’t going to miss an opportunity to be with Harlow. Leaving hisfood behind, he followedher as she headed back in the direction of the beautyparlor.

“You were getting under my skin,” hesaid.

She stopped. “Why can’t you just leave mealone?”

“You want me to prove it to you. I broke upwith you because you were getting too close, and I was … Iwasn’t used to the feelings youwere inspiring.”

“You’re talking horseshit!” She glared athim. “Do you really expect me to believe that?”