Page 55 of Dark as Knight

“Looks at me?” I push his hand away. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t play coy, Stella. You’re an incredibly sexy woman.”

“I’m not playing coy. I just have never once felt weird around him or that he was staring at me.”

“He doesn’t stare and it’s not weird; that’s why you haven’t noticed, but I’m a man and I see it. I get that men will look at you, but what I don’t like is the way he looks at you.” He comes closer to me. “Like a predator looks at prey.”

“Some would say that’s how you”—I point my finger, resting it against his chest—“look at me.”

“Yes, well, I get special dispensation to look at you any way that I want.”

“Don’t,” I say, pushing against his chest but it’s no use. He grabs me, picking me up and tossing me back onto the bed before attacking my sides, sending me into a fit of laughter.

“What’d the governor say?” Mac asks me as he helps me lift another case of water bottles into the back of the SUV.

“I’m not sure. Atlas only spoke with him briefly, I think, but they’re going to have a meeting when he gets here.”

We’ve been taking truckloads of bottled water we were able to get from a few towns away where Mac bought our clothes, along with thousands of dollars’ worth of nonperishable foods to the disaster relief station they set up.

“So, how’s newlywed life?” Mac asks, continuing with small talk as we load in groceries.

“Good.” I keep my gaze away from him, all too aware of what Atlas mentioned about him this morning. “Can’t complain.”

He snorts with laughter. “Yeah, sounds like it.”

I feel my face flame and I excuse myself, stepping away to find Atlas who’s pointing to a large map and giving directions to a local group of volunteers. Even in a situation like this, Atlas takes charge. He has a natural leadership quality about him, not to mention he stands at least a head above almost everyone else here.

“Hey.” I walk to him when there’s a break in his conversation. “How are things going?”

“Good.” He glances at his watch. “The governor should be here any moment. I’m going to discuss setting up a relief fund for the people impacted. Make sure they have shelter, food, water, clothes, money, whatever they need after we’ve gone.”

“Mac and I just finished loading up the SUV to take over to the relief station they have set up down the way.”

“Thank you, baby.” He cups my face and kisses me softly. “I promise I’ll have you flown home in no time.”

“Actually.” I look around. “I was hoping we could stay a few days and help out more.” I fully expect him to tell me he has important meetings and business deals that couldn’t possibly be put on hold, but he doesn’t.

“I think that’s a great idea.” He reaches for his phone and types out a quick text and hits send before putting it back in his pocket. “I just asked Florence to reschedule my meetings for the next three days.”

It’s like a flip has switched in him, or maybe I’m just seeing the man behind the grumpy exterior that the world sees. He takes charge of the situation alongside the governor, using his private plane, money, name, every resource at his fingertips to not only clean up the debris but provide for every person’s needs.

“Mr. Knight, I just have to ask since we have recently found out that you secretly eloped with your now wife, how has it been adjusting to married life?” The local reporter has a huge smile on her cherubic face as she holds the microphone in front of Atlas’ face.

He smiles, sliding his arm around my waist and turning to look at me. The way he’s looking at me causes my knees to wobble. I tell myself that it’s fake, that this is all a production for the cameras, but something deep down in my gut tells me that it’s so much more. I smile back at him, the butterflies that often accompany these moments flapping their wings a million times per second even if I’m trying to ignore them because Atlas made it clear to me last night that love isn’t an option for him.

“It’s been absolute bliss.” He kisses me, dipping me so my hands fly up around his neck. “Total and complete bliss,” he repeats, making everyone around us say aw. “Actually, it was her idea to stay a few extra days so we can help this town out and get these hardworking people back on their feet.”

“Well, thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Knight. We can’t thank you enough for your wonderful generosity and we want to wish all the happiness and blessings in your new marriage. Ken, back to you in the studio.”

I’m completely exhausted by the time the plane lands back in Chicago. Between the long hours of cleaning up debris and delivering items to those in need to the long hours Atlas kept me up at night, using my body in ways I didn’t even know existed, I need a week of sleep.

I spend an extra thirty minutes soaking in the porcelain tub in my bathroom, the lavender bath salts soaking into my overworked muscles. I close my eyes, a smile constantly on my face the last few days.

I can’t keep the feeling of hope from creeping in every time I think about things between Atlas and me.

Are things different or was this a what happens in Kansas, stays in Kansas type of situation?

By the time I’m done with my bath and ready for bed, I peek my head out of my bedroom and down the hall to see if Atlas is still awake. Since coming home, he’s been locked away in his office. I’m assuming he’s catching up on work. I contemplate tiptoeing downstairs to his office, offering him a sexy little surprise, but a yawn pulls my attention back to how tired I really am.