He murmured in her ear, “I’ll be racking up virginities today. First kiss after marriage, first dance, first time fucking my wife. I’m a lucky man.” His tongue darted out to tickle her earlobe.
Bex laughed. “Everything is perfect. Thank you for planning this. For everything. I love you.”
He smiled. “I love you, too. Elizabeth ‘Pixie’ Whittaker.” He kissed her cheek. His eyes roved over her like she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
They entered the venue and walked through the halls to the cafeteria. Crude handmade signs pointed the way. Bex laughed when she saw the one that said “This way, fucker” with an arrow.
“Did Jade make that?” she asked.
Aiden chuckled. “Yeah, how’d you guess?”
Bex shook her head, laughed, and continued walking with Aiden.
The cafeteria in the back of the venue had been decorated with soft pink and white balloons and streamers. Small glass ponds, made from clear vases, held water with floating candles as centerpieces. Catering tables loaded with a full turkey dinner lined one wall, and a beautiful pastel pink three story wedding cake sat across the room from the catering.
“Oh my god, Aiden. This is wonderful. I love that this is basically Thanksgiving dinner.”
Aiden grinned and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “We tried to think of what you would want. We concluded that Thanksgiving is your favorite holiday... This is the result. I hope you love it, Pixie.”
He led her to a long table at the head of the room and helped her into one of the seats. He sat beside her.
The reception went great. The band had hired a DJ so everyone had the opportunity to dance and have fun. The reception resembled a ragtag Thanksgiving dinner, and Bex loved every minute of it.
Aiden and Bex took the traditional photos with their guests.
The DJ played a slow song Bex remembered from prom. The first song she and Aiden ever danced to.
“Hey, do you remember this?” she turned to him and asked.
Aiden smiled. “You bet I do. That’s why they’re playing it. Mrs. Whittaker, may I have this dance?”
He extended a hand to her, which she took. He pulled her from her chair and out to the dance floor, where they wrapped their arms around each other and swayed to the music. Sandalwood and vanilla invaded her senses and surrounded her, Aiden’s arms warm and tight around her.
He pulled her close.
“Surprise, Pixie. I hope you like it.”
“I love it. You did great.”
Aiden pressed a kiss to her temple.
“Hey, you two. Come cut the cake!” a caterer yelled and waved at them.
Aiden dropped a quick kiss to her hair and they crossed the room, hand in hand.
The light pink, three story cake was easily taller than Bex. The caterer handed her a cake knife. The guests began to gather on the other side of the table. Aiden’s warm hand covered Bex’s and they made the first slice together. When the first piece was cut, Bex picked up half and turned to Aiden. He picked up the other half.
With a small smile, he offered her a bite of the icing. She took it with a playful look and offered cake to him. She watched him take a bite as she licked her lips to get off any icing residue. A grin crossed his face and his mouth swiftly found hers. They lost themselves in each other as they ended the cake tradition with a kiss.
Hoots and cat calls went around the room.
Bex broke the kiss and handed the knife back to the caterer.
“Everyone enjoy some cake and have fun tonight. Thank you for joining us today. But now, I think it’s time for us to leave,” Aiden told the crowd.
Applause and cheers came from the group as Aiden took her hand and led her out the door.
“What else is planned?” Bex asked as they walked the hallway toward the exit.