The band had a scheduled two-week break starting the next day.
Aiden grinned. “We’ve got a night locally at a hotel then a few hours in the car tomorrow. Then we’re staying put.”
It sounded like they’d be heading away from Bex’s doctor instead of toward her. Aiden knew they needed a doctor.
“Umm... We’re on the west coast. My OB doctor is on the east coast. What if I go into labor early?”
Aiden smiled. “Don’t worry. Where we’re going, you don’t have to worry. I promise.”
Where were they going?
He noticed Bex still looked nervous. He pulled her close and kissed her temple.
“You and the baby will be fine, I promise. Trust me. I’ve got you.”
Bex relaxed against his body as they walked. She would trust him to do the right thing. Her husband. Her baby’s daddy.
They exited the building and climbed into the back of the car waiting outside.
Once Aiden gave the driver directions, he pulled away from the curb.
Aiden settled back against his seatbelt. He absentmindedly pulled her left hand to his mouth and kissed her rings. Over and over.
“Aiden,” she breathed.
He looked at her. “I never thought I would have this with you. Marriage.” He kissed her rings. “A baby.” He kissed her stomach. His eyes flicked to her lips and he swallowed hard. “You.” He kissed her, his lips tentatively finding hers.
They made out in the back of the car, kissing with abandon until the driver cleared his throat when they arrived at their hotel.
They climbed out of the car. Aiden tipped the driver and tapped the top of the car. The driver left.
They turned to face the entrance of the hotel. Aiden took her hand and pulled her through the sliding glass front door.
The receptionist smiled at them from behind the front desk, but Aiden pulled a room key from his pocket and flashed it to her. He led Bex into an elevator and hit the button for seven.
He fiddled with her hand as they waited in the elevator.
“Sorry I didn’t get the penthouse, but I don’t intend to let you far from the bed so it seemed like a waste of money,” he said as the elevator door opened. They walked up the hallway toward their room.
Bex laughed. “That’s fine. I just need you.”
They stopped in front of their door, and he used the card to open it. He held it open while she walked in.
Inside, it looked like a standard hotel room with a bed, small table, tv, and bathroom. It was small and cozy — and really all they needed.
Aiden closed the door and crossed the room to Bex.
She slipped off her shoes and kicked them aside just as Aiden’s mouth found her throat.
She caressed him through his pants, her hand squeezing his hard length. He’d told the truth earlier and was already as hard as a rock.
As he pressed kisses to her neck and chest, they worked the clothes off each other.
He walked her backward until her thighs hit the bed then sat her naked on the edge. Her bared belly and breasts stuck out, obvious and prominent.
Aiden kneeled before her and looked up into her eyes as he suckled her nipple into his mouth. He sucked and lapped softly on her sensitive buds as she closed her eyes and whimpered. Her pussy felt wetter than ever before.
Her husband, her forever, caused this pleasure. Made her feel this good.