She shut the car door and walked up the sidewalk to the house. From the entrance, she watched him pull away, and she couldn’t help but wish things were different.
Chapter 8
Aiden: Want to play putt putt golf?
Bex: With you?
Aiden: Yes
Bex: When?
Aiden: Today
Bex: Sure
Aiden: Okay, I’ll pick you up in twenty minutes
He wanted to spend his day off with her? Bex scrambled to get dressed. She threw on some jean shorts, an old rock band t-shirt, and some tennis shoes. By the time she combed her hair and applied her makeup, she had another text from Aiden telling her he was waiting in her driveway.
She headed downstairs and out the front door.
Aiden looked up at her and smiled as she climbed into his passenger seat. “Hi, Bex,” he said.
“Hey.” She buckled herself in.
Aiden reversed out of her driveway and pulled onto the road.
“How’s it going?” he asked.
“Not bad. How about with you?”
“Not bad.”
Silence surrounded them for a moment before Aiden let out a breath and said, “I’m sorry,”
“About what?”
“Freaking out at the fair. It’s none of my business who you dated in your past. You saw one of my ghosts; I saw one of yours. Let’s call it even.”
Bex nodded. “Okay.”
He smiled. “Are you ready to get your ass kicked at putt putt?” he teased.
“Never! I’m a putt putt champion.”
“You’ve met your match today.”
“I dare you to beat me.”
“What are the terms?”
“If I win, you streak naked through the homecoming game. If you win, I do.”
“Dare accepted.”
In friendly fun, once they arrived at the course, they became fierce competitors. The Around the World mini golf theme featured obstacles such as the Eiffel Tower, a giant sombrero, a jungle, and a life-sized lobster.