“Well, I do. Which is why we are no longer together.” She unwound herself from Blake’s arms, only to end up in Aiden’s. “Blake, this is Aiden.”

“Aiden? Interesting.”

“What’s he talking about?” Aiden whispered.

“Nothing,” she responded. “Blake, go back to the groupies and leave us alone.”

“Us? So you’re an us now?” Blake shouted drunkenly. “That didn’t take long!”

A scantily clad brunette stepped out of the shadows and pressed a kiss to Blake’s neck.

“Hey, sweetie,” he said.

“What, no ‘babe’?” Bex asked sarcastically.

“I don’t like it so he doesn’t call me that,” the brunette said, smiling at Bex.

Bex scoffed. He’d never cared when Bex didn’t like it.

Blake seemed to forget everything except the brunette’s mouth, especially when she dropped to her knees and fiddled with his pants. He definitely forgot all of them as she slipped his dick out of his pants and slid it into her mouth.

Bex gagged as she pressed against Aiden and pushed him away from the display. “Come on, let’s go,” she said.

Aiden let her lead him back to his car.

They climbed in, but Aiden sat there for a minute with his hands on the wheel.

Finally, he said, “I wanted you to find better. How did you end up with him?”

“He wasn’t like that when we were together. He’s drunk now. I never saw that side of him. And once I found out how he really is, we broke up.”

Aiden nodded. Slowly, he fastened his seatbelt and turned on the car.

He pulled out of the parking spot and drove a few minutes.

He broke the silence when he asked, “Did I fuck up your self-worth that much when we were kids?”

“No. Not at all,” she replied. She meant it, too. Though she hated being apart from Aiden, they’d needed the time apart to grow. She thought they might be ready for each other now.

“I hope not. I wanted... want... the best for you. That guy isn’t it.”

“What? You see me with a doctor? Lawyer? Politician?”

“No.” He sighed but turned the car into her parents’ driveway. “I see you with someone who makes you happy. You deserve that.”

Bex smiled. She hadn’t been truly happy since Aiden, not that she would tell him that. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. I appreciate it.”

He sighed and shifted the car to park. “Anytime.”

Bex climbed out of the car. She stripped off the hat and hoodie and tossed them on the passenger seat.

“Thanks. I had a nice time,” she said. “Disguise worked.”

“Told you it would. I had a good time, too. Please take care of yourself. Good night, Bex,” he answered.

She ignored the fact that he seemed sad.

“Good night, Aiden.”